刊名 | ISSN | 出版社 | 出版年 |
1. Comments on Solid State Physics. | Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers | ||
2. Journal of applied mechanics. | American Society of Mechanical Engineers, | c1935- | |
3. International and mining standard | IFS Ltd., | 1982. | |
4. International tin | IFS Ltd., | 1982. | |
5. 1985 Annual book of ASTM standards :: general methods and instrumentation.. [V.] 14.01,. Analytical methods--spectroscopy; chromatography; temperature measurement; computerized systems. | ASTM, | 1985. | |
6. Selection from information on world-wide electronics markets and their prediction 1982-1983 =: 1982-1983年世界电子时常及其预测情报选. | 上海光华出版社, | 1983]. | |
7. Engineering Education. | American Society for Engineering Education, | c1984. |