以"A"开头查询到 310 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Acta Geochimica=: 地球化学学报(英文版) 科学出版社
2. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers (Incorporated). The Institute, 1919-
3. Aircraft production. lliffe Production publications, etc],
4. Arts & architecture. Arts and Architecture, 1944-
5. Atomic world. Technology Publications, c1958-59.
6. ATM + messtechnische Praxis. R. Oldenbourg.
7. American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Institute of Chemical Engineers
8. Angewandte Chemie. Verlag Chemie,
9. A Study Ultrafine Coal Pulverization and Its Application / The Office of Coal Research Department of the Interior
10. BCIRA abstracts of international literature on metal castings production. BCIRA, c1986-
11. Alphabetic Subject Index to Petroleum Abstracts=: 石油文摘字母主题索引 The University of Tulsa
12. API abstracts.: Health & environment/ American Petroleum Institute, Chemical Abstracting and Indexing Service, 1986-1992.
13. abstracts bulletin of the institute of paper chemistry. the institute of paper chemistry,
14. Architectural periodicals index. British Architectural Library, 1972/73-c1994.
15. BCIRA abstracts index. BCIRA, c1986-
16. Key abstracts.: Artificial intelligence. Published by INSPEC, Institution of Electrical Engineers, in association with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, N.Y., c1987-
17. Air and water conservation api abstracts/literature. Engineering Alloys Digest.
18. Analytical abstracts. Royal Society of Chemistry, 1954-
20. Analytical abstracts index. Royal Society of Chemistry, 1954-
21. abstracts bulletin of the institute of paper chemistryannul indexes. . the institute of paper chemistry,
22. Applied Mechanics reviews author and subject index=: 应用力学评论著者及主题索引 J.Sansone
23. Art index. H.W. Wilson., 1932-
24. INIS atomindex =: INIS atomindeks. International Atomic Energy Agency, 1970-
25. ASHRAE Transactions / The Society, 1971-
26. Annual review of energy. Annual Reviews inc.
27. Annual review of energy and the environment. Annual Reviews, Inc., c1991-
28. American Libraries .s.n.]
29. Applied Ergonomices. Butterwort-Heinemann Ltd
30. Acta metallurgica et meterialia Pergamon press Ltd
31. American Scientist. Sigma Xi, 1942-.
32. Ashrae Journal
33. Advanced materials and processes ASM International. 1994
34. Annual Review Of Biophysics And Biophysical Chemistry s.n.]
35. Annual review of information science and technology. Learned Information, Inc., 1966-
36. IEEE transactions on automatic control cumulative index. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963-
37. ATZ :: Automobil technische Zeitschrift / Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, 1929-44; 1946-
38. Amerian Railway Engineering Association Amerian Railway Engineering Association
39. American Papermaker Maclean Hunter Inc.
40. Agricultural machinery joural Agricultural Press Ltd. 1980
41. Annual review of biochemistry. Stanford University Press
42. ACM transactions on mathematical software. Association for Computing Machinery, 1975- .
43. Journal of applied geophysics. Elsevier, 1992-
44. Asian Economic Journal=: 亚洲经济杂志 , -
45. Acta biochimica et biophysica sinica=: 波兰生物化学与生物物理学报 , -
46. Journal of engineering mechanics / American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
47. Journal of hydraulic engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
48. Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
49. Journal of structural engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
50. Journal of transportation engineering / The Society,
51. Journal of water resources planning and management. American Society of Civil Engineers, Water Resources Planning and Management Division, c1983-
52. Journal of computing in civil engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1987-
53. Journal of performance of constructed facilities. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1987-
54. Journal of materials in civil engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, Materials Engineering Division, [c1989-
55. Journal of construction engineering and management. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
56. Journal of bridge engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, Structural Division, 1996-
57. Journal of architectural engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1995-
58. Applied optics=: .应用光学 Optical Society of America, 1962-
59. Architectural design. Standard Catalogue Co., -1969.
60. Annual Index/Abstracts of SAE Technical Papers. Society of Automotive Engineers
61. Automotive engineer. Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.]
62. Journal of infrastructure systems. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1995-
63. Practice periodical on structural design and construction. American Society of Civil Engineers, Construction Division & Structural Division, 1996-
64. Appita journal :: journal of the Technical Association of the Australian and New Zealand Pulp and Paper Industry. The Association, 1987-
65. Automatic machining.=: 自动机械加工 Screw Machine Pub., [etc.],
66. Applied linguistics. Oxford University Press, 1980-
67. Mechanical engineering :: the journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers= The American Society of mechanical engineers, 1919-
68. American mineralogist.: journal of the Mineralogical Society of America.= Mineralogical Society of America, 1916-
69. Journal of environmental engineering.=: 环境工程杂志 American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division, c1983-
70. Journal of surveying engineering.=: 测量工程杂志 American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
71. American journal of mathematics=: 美国数学杂志. Johns Hopkins University Press, [etc.], 1878-
72. ACM transactions on programming languages and systems. Association for Computing Machinery, 1979-
73. Journal of hydrologic engineering / The Society, 1996-
74. Applied composite materials.=: 应用复合材料 Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994-
75. Computing in science & engineering AIP ; c1999-
76. IEEE transactions on automatic control. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963-
77. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems.: a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.. II,. Analog and digital signal processing : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1992-c2003.
78. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics.: a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society.. Part C,. Applications and reviews : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1998-
79. Aluminium international today=: 当代国际铝: DMG World Media ; 2001-
80. ACM transactions on database systems. Association for Computing Machinery, 1976-
81. ACM computing surveys. Association for Computing Machinery, c1971-
82. AI magazine American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 1980-
83. Adult education quarterly The American Associationfor Adult and Continuing Education
84. American speech Duke University Press
85. Annals of mathematics Pierre Deligne
86. Advances in mathematics Academic Press.Inc.
87. Acta mechanica springer-Verlag
88. Applied Mechanics reviews J.Sansone
89. American journal of physics The American Association of Physics Teachers by the American Institute of Physics
90. Advances in physics Taylor & Francis Ltd
91. Applied acoustics Applied science Publishers Ltd.
92. Applied physics S.Amelinckx
93. Applied economics=: 应用经济学. Chapman and Hall [etc.], 1969-
94. Applied financial economics.=: 应用金融经济学 Chapman and Hall, 1991-
95. Transactions of the American Foundrymen's Society.=: 美国铸造师协会汇刊 The Society, 1948-1999
96. Applied and environmental microbiology.=: 应用与环境微生物学 American Society for Microbiology, 1976-
97. Applied mechanics reviews.=: 应用力学评论 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1948-
98. Accounts of chemical research. American Chemical Society, 1968-
99. Analytical instrumentation. Marcel Dekker, c1984-1993.
100. Annual reports on the progress of chemistry.. Section A,. Inorganic chemistry. Royal Society of Chemistry, c1980-
101. Annual review of physical chemistry. Annual Reviews, inc, 1950-
102. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. Humana Press, 1981-
103. Journal of applied electrochemistry. Chapman and Hall, 1971-
104. Analytical chemistry. American Chemical Society, 1947-
105. Analytical letters. M. Dekker, 1967-
106. Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society. Chemical Society], 1975-1979.
107. The Analyst. Royal Society of Chemistry [etc.], 1876-
108. Analytical abstracts. Royal Society of Chemistry, 1954-
109. Analytica chimica acta. Elsevier Pub. Co., 1947-
110. Angewandte Chemie.: International edition in English Verlag Chemie ; c1962-
111. The Canadian surveyor. The Canadian Institute of Surveying and Mapping.
112. American journal of science American journal of science society
113. Agricultural mechanization in Asia,Africa and Latin America Farm Machinery Industrial Research Gorp.
115. Atmospheric environment Pergamon Press Ltd., 1985-
116. Applied energy. Applied Science Publishers.
117. ABTOMATиKA иBbIчиCиTEbHAи TEXHиKA Иэдателъство<<Эинатне>>
118. ABTOMATиKA и TeлEMEXAHиKA Иэдателъство<<Наука>>
119. IEEE transactions on power apparatus and systems / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-c1985.
120. Automatic control and computer sciences. Allerton Press, Inc., 1972-
121. Automatica / Pergamon Press 1963-
122. Advances in engineering software. CML Publications, c1978-c1990.
123. American machinist. Penton, c1988-
124. AFS international cast metals journal
126. Assembly Hitchcock Publishing Co., 1990-
127. Automotive engineering. Society of Automotive Engineers]
128. A.G.T. Dokumentation A.G.T. Verlag, 1972-
130. Automotive industries. Chilton Co., 1994-
131. Adhesives age. Communication Channels, etc.], 1958-
132. Axis. Axis, 1981-
133. Architectural periodicals index. British Architectural Library, 1972/73-c1994.
134. Asian building & construction. Far East Trade Press, Ltd., 1971-
135. International journal of applied ceramic technology.=: 国际应用陶瓷技术杂志 American Ceramic Society, c2004-
136. Architektur+wettbewerbe Ernst
137. Annales de l'Institut technique du batiment et des travaux publics.: 建筑技术与土木工程研究所纪事(法) Institut technique du btiment et des travaux publics.
138. Asian architctand and contrator hong Kong byfar East media Ltd.
139. ACI structural journal. American Concrete Institute, [c1987-
140. ACI materials journal. American Concrete Institute, [c1987-
141. Art and design :: A.D. Academy Group Ltd., 1985-
142. Acta pharmacologica Sinica.: 中国药理学报 Science Press, c2000-
143. Alloys index.=: 合金索引 American Society for Metals, 1974-
144. Journal of physics.. B,. Atomic and molecular physics. Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, 1969-1987.
145. Numerical heat transfer.. Part A,. Applications. Hemisphere Pub. Corp., [c1989-
146. IRE transactions on audio. Institute of Radio Engineers], 1955-1962.
147. Proceedings of the ... Conference / American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, -c1955.
148. IRE transactions on aerospace and navigational electronics. Professional Group on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1961-c1962.
149. IRE transactions on antennas and propagation. Institute of Radio Engineers], 1955-1962.
150. IEEE transactions on audio. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1963-1965.
151. Transactions.. Section B,. Applied earth science / The Institution,
152. Photonics spectra Laurin, c1988.
153. Physica A . Munksgaard, 1974-1988.
154. Physica. Munksgaard, 1954.
155. Bulletin of alloy phase diagrams. American Society for Metals, c1980-c1990.
156. athmatische Zeitschrift. Verlag Von Julius Springer, 1918-.
157. International cast metals journal. American Foundrymen's Society [1976-
158. International copper information bulletin American Foundrymen's Society [1976-
159. Industrial and engineering chemistry. American Chemical Society, 1929-1946.
160. IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1974-1990.
161. Quality progress. American Society for Quality Control, c1967-
162. ASM review of metal literature. The Society, c1944-59.
163. Journal of applied electrochemistry. Chapman and Hall, 1971-
164. Journal of the American Concrete Institute. American Concrete Institute], 1929-1986.
165. Iron and steel engineer. Association of Iron and Steel Engineers, etc.], 1924-
166. American Society for Testing and Materials :: Proceedings. The Society, c1899-
167. Proceedings / The Institute, 1953-1965.
168. European journal of mechanics.. A,. Solids. Gauthier-Villars, c1989-
169. Journal of geotechnical engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
170. Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie. Verlag Chemie, -1978.
171. Journal of the west of scotland iron and steel institute. Institute, -1978.
172. Metal progress. American Society for Metals, etc.], 1930-1986.
173. The magazine of standards. American Society for Metals]
174. ASTM bulletin / The Society, 1940-c1960.
175. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 1979-1994.
176. Light metals. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 1979-1994.
177. Electrical engineering. American Institute of Electrical Engineers, etc., c1931-1963
178. Composites.. Part. A,. Applied science and manufacturing Elsevier science Ltd, c1997-
179. Journal of physics.. D,. applied physics. Institute of Physics [etc.], 1970-
180. Archives of environmental health. Heldref Publications [etc.], 1960-
181. Artificial intelligence / Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
182. Armed forces chemical journal / The Association, c1946-
183. Aufbereitungs-Technik. Verlag fèur Aufbereitung.,
184. Astrophysics and space science. D. Reidel,
185. Assembly engineering. Hitchcock Pub. Co.]
186. Atomic industry reporter. Bureau of National Affairs, 1955-
187. Atompraxis. Verlag G.Braun, c1955-70?.
188. Atomkern Energie. Verlag Kari Thiemig, c1956-78.
189. Atomics & nuclear energy. Verlag Kari Thiemig, c1956-78.
190. Australian journal of chemistry. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, 1953-
191. Auszuge aus den auslegeschriften Patentanmeldungen. Vila Verlag, c1955-72.
192. Australian plastics and rubber journal. Australian Trade Publications [etc.], 1956-1972.
193. Australian mining Reed Business Publishing 1908-
194. Automation progress. L. Hill Technical Group, 1956-1962.
195. Automation. E.D. Publications Ltd.
196. Automobile Engineer. Iliffe Industrial Publications Ltd., 1910-72.
197. Automatisierungstechnik :: AT R. Oldenbourg Verlag GmbH, 1985-
198. Aviation week & space technology. McGraw-Hill], 1960-
199. AEI engineering. Associated Electrical Industries,
200. Automatique-productique informatique industrielle =: Auto matic control production systems : APII. Dunod, 1985-
201. ASTM standardization news.Scientific Lubrication
202. A.R.S.journal. The Society 1988-
203. Acta applicandae mathematicae. D. Reidel, c1983-
204. Acta crystallographica. Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard [etc.], 1948-1967.
205. Acta informatica. Springer-Verlag,
206. Acta electronica. s.n.], 1956-1988.
207. Acta mathematica. Institut Mittag-Leffler,
208. Acta metallurgica. University of Toronto Press, 1953-1989.
209. Acta polytechnica Scandinavica.: Chemistry including metallurgy series. Scandinavian Council for Applied Research], 1958-1983.
210. Advances in applied probability. Applied Probability Trust]
211. Acustica. S. Hirzel, Verlag GmbH & Co., 1951-1995.
212. Advanced coal combustion / Nova Science Publishers, c2001.
213. Advanced engineering software Pergamon, c1961-68.
214. Archive of applied mechanics: Ingenieur-Archiv Springer-Verlag, 1991-
215. Advances in mathenatics. Springer-Verlag, 1991-
216. Advances in applied mathematics. Academic Press.
217. Advances colloid and interface science. Academic Press.
218. Aeronautical engineering review / The Institute, 1942-1958
219. Aeronautics. [s.n.],
220. Air conditioning, heating and ventilating. The Industrial Press, c1955-69.
221. Aircraft engineering. Bunhill Publications [etc.]
222. Aluminium. World Health Organization , 1997.
223. Alloy metals review. High Speed Steel Alloys Ltd., c1936-
224. Allgemeine Warmetechnik. The Journal, c1950-
225. AAPG bulletin. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, c1974-
226. American Ceramic Society bulletin. The Society], 1946-
227. American glass review
228. American dyestuff reporter. SAF International, etc.], 1917-
229. American dyestuff reporter. SAF International, etc.], 1917-
230. Reports on the progress of applied chemistry. Society of Chemical Industry, 1947-
231. Annals of physics. Academic Press, 1957-
232. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Association of American Geographers], 1911-
233. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Association of American Geographers, 1911-
234. Annals of differential equations. Fuzhou University, 1984-
235. Annual reports / Australian Government Publishing Service, 1985-
236. Annual review of nuclear science. Annual Reviews, 1978-
237. Annual review of fluid mechanics. Annual Reviews, 1978-
238. The annals of statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1973-
239. Appliance. Dana Chase Publications.
240. Applications of surface science. North-Holland Pub. Co., 1977-1985.
241. Applied geochemistry :: journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry. Pergamon Press, c1986-
242. Applied matarials research. Pergamon Press, c1986-
243. Applied mathematical modelling. Butterworths [etc.], 1976-
244. Applied mathematics and optimization. Springer, 1974-
245. Applied mathematics and computation. Elsevier [etc.], 1975-
246. Applied physics.. A,. Solids and surfaces. Springer-Verlag, 1981-1994.
247. Applied physics letters. American Institute of Physics.
248. Applied physics.. B,. Lasers and optics. Springer-Verlag, c1994-
249. Applied scientific research.. Series A,. Mechanics, heat, chemical engineering, mathematical methods. Martinus Nijhoff, 1952-1966.
250. Applied polymer symposia. Wiley, 1965-1976.
251. Applied plastics. Scientific Press.,
252. The Architects' journal. The Architectural Press, 1919-
253. Applied spectroscopy. Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 1951-
254. Architural design. Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 1951-
255. Architect and engineer. Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 1951-
256. Applied surface science. North-Holland, c1985-
257. Architecture and design. Harry N. Abrams, 1989.
258. Archiv fur das Eisenhuttenwesen / Verlag Stahleisen, c1927-45; 1948-84.
259. Archiv der Mathematik =: Archives of mathematics. Birkhauser Verlag, c1948-
260. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology. Springer-Verlag, 1973-
261. Archiv fur Energiewirtschaft. Verlagsanschrift, c1947-
262. Archiv fur Elektrotechnik =: Archive of electrical engineering. Springer International, 1912-
263. American laboratory. International Scientific Communications, Inc., c1981.
264. Annales de chimie. Masson et cie., 1914-1977.
265. Annales de physique. Les 釫ditions de physique [etc.]
266. Annales de geophysique. Masson et cie., 1914-1977.
267. Annales des telecommunications. Socibetbe de la Revue optique.
268. Annales des mines Chez Treuttel et Wurtz, 1816-1942.
269. The Annals of mathematical statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics., 1930-1972.
270. Angewandte Cheiem. Tema-éditions, [1973]
271. Welding journal. American Welding Society, 1937-
272. Abstract Journal in Earthquake Engineering National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, 1972-
273. Abstracts of photographic science & engineering literature National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, 1972-
274. Air and water conservation api abstracts/literature. Engineering Alloys Digest.
275. Alloy digest. Engineering Alloys Digest.
276. Aluminium industry abstracts ASM International, c1992-
277. API abstracts.: Health & environment/ American Petroleum Institute, Chemical Abstracting and Indexing Service, 1986-1992.
278. Aqualine abstracts. Pergamon, c1985-
279. Atomic absorption and emission spectrometry abstracts. PRM Science & Technology Agency.
280. Ceramic abstracts. American Ceramic Society, 1922-
281. Casting digest. American Ceramic Society, 1922-
282. Casting technology. American Ceramic Society, 1922-
283. RAIRO.: RAIRO: Numerical analysis.: Analyse num?erique = Dunod, 1977-1984.
284. Automatique-productique informatique industrielle =: Auto matic control production systems : APII. Dunod, 1985-
285. RAIRO.: RAIRO: Systems analysis and control.: Automatique = Dunod, 1977-
286. Author index of Mathematical reviews=: 数学评论著者索引 American Mathematical Society, 1961-
287. Abstracts of refining literature. American Petroleum Institute,
288. Engineering design handbook :: Dlelectric embedding of electrical or electronic components [s.n.], 1962.
289. Advanced casting technology :: proceedings of an International Conference on Advanced Casting Technology, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, 12-14 November 1986 / ASM International, c1987.
290. Annual review of materials science. Annual Reviews, Inc., 1983-
291. Steel research =: Archiv fhur das Eisenhuttenwesen. Verlag Stahleisen, 1985-
292. Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1958-1969.
293. ASLE transactions. American Society of Lubrication Engineers], 1958-1987
294. Transactions of American Society for Metals. American Society for Metals, 1934-1961.
295. Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The Society, [1880-
296. Acta crystallographica.. Section A,. Crystal physics, diffraction, theoretical and general crystallography. Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard, c1967-c1982.
297. Acta crystallographica.. Section B,. Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry. Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard, 1967-1982.
298. Acta crystallographica.. Section C,. Crystal structure communications. Published for International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard, 1983-
299. Automatik England Carlton Berry Company Ltd , 1962
300. National Computer Conference. AFIPS Press, 1975-1987.
301. Applied numerical mathematics :: transactions of IMACS. North-Holland, c1985-
302. An international journal Computer & methematics with applications s.n.]
303. Austrlian Journal of Physics s.n.]
304. a+u;Architectrue and urbanism 吉田信之
305. Architectural record. McGraw-Hill, etc.], 1891-
306. Robotic Intelligence and Automation IFS (Publications)],
307. Anti-corrosion methods and materials.=: 抗腐蚀方法与材料 Sawell Publications], 1966-
308. Planning.=: 计划编制 American Planning Association, 1969-
309. The Architectural review Architectural Press Ltd.]
310. Auto & design Fulvio Cinti,