以"B"开头查询到 129 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Bohren Sprengen Raumen s.n.]
2. Bulletin of The Janpan Petroleum Institute The Japan Petroleum Institute
3. British Journal of Applied Physics The Institute of Physics and the Physical Society
4. BAU Maschine und Bautechnik Bauverlag Gmbh
5. British Welding Journal :: Official Journal of the Institute of Welding and the British Welding Research Association The Institute and the Association, 1954-68
6. Brennstoff-Chemie :: Organ des Fachverbandes Kohlechemie e.V. Girardet, c1920-69.
7. The AusIMM bulletin and proceedings. The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, [1986-
8. Bergbauwissenschaften s.n.]
9. BPA(Unexamined Plus Granted): 英国专利文摘(公开及批准专利)P-Q/Ei/Ch/辑:普通的/机械. P-Q/EI/Ch. General/Mechanical/Electrical/Chemical= Derwent Publications Ltd., 1988-
10. BPA(Unexamined Plus Granted): 英国专利文摘(公开及批准专利)A-M辑:化学. A-M. Chemical= Derwent Publications Ltd., 1988-
11. BPA(Unexamined Plus Granted): 英国专利文摘(公开及批准专利)A-M辑:化学,P辑:普通的,Q辑:机械,S-X辑:电的. A-M,P&Q,S-X. A-M:Chemical Derwent Publications Ltd., 1988-
12. BCIRA abstracts of international literature on metal castings production. BCIRA, c1986-
13. BCIRA abstracts index. BCIRA, c1986-
14. British book news annual index. British Council [etc.], 1941-
15. British book news. British Council [etc.], 1941-
16. Biological abstracts/RRM : semiannual cumulative index subject index: 生物学文摘半年累积索引 Biosciences Information Service.
17. Biological abstracts: 生物学文摘 Biosciences Information Service.
18. Biological abstracts/RRM: 生物学文摘 Biosciences Information Service.
19. Biological abstracts :semiannual cumu lative index subject index: 生物学文摘 Biosciences Information Service.
20. BBC English s.n.]
21. Biotechnology And Bioengineering s.n.]
22. Bulk Solids Handling :: The International Journal Of Storing,Handling& Transporting Bulk s.n.]
23. Bhra Abstracts Journal=: 英国流体力学摘要期刊 BHRA
24. Bioscience :: American Institute Of Biological sciences Academic Press Inc
25. Biological Cybernetics s.n.]
26. Broadcast Engineering
27. British Telecommunications Engineering
28. Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications academic Press,Inc
29. British pharmacopoeia 1973 :: addendum 1975 / 0113206089 HMSO, 1975.
30. Bulletin de Liaiscn des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees Directeur la Publication.
31. Materials science and engineering C.=: 材料科学与工程,C辑:仿生材料、传感器和系统. C,. Biomimentic materials,sensorsand systems Elsevier sequoia S.A c1988
32. The Geological Society of America bulletin=: 美国地质学会通报 The Society, [1961-
33. Beijing Review=: 北京周报 , 1958-
34. Building design & construction Beijing book CO INC
35. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology=: 矿物学与岩石学论文集 : Springer Verlag, 1966-
36. BBC english contents BBC English by radio and television and MEED
37. Bulletin of the American mathematical society Felix E.Browder
38. Bulletin Des sciences mathematiques Bulletin Des sciences mathematiques Ltc.
39. BECTHиK MOCKOBCKOгO YHиBEPCиETEA иэдагедьство мосвоскго уннвернтега
40. Bulletin of the american physical society The American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics
41. 日本化学会
42. Biochemistry. American Chemical Society, 1962-
43. The Radio and electronic engineer. Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers, 1963-1984.
44. Brennstoff-Waerme-Kraft :: BWK / VDI-Verlag, 1949-
45. Brown boveri review. ABB Asea Brown Boveri, c1988-
46. The British foundryman. Institute of British Foundrymen, 1957-1987.
47. British corrosion journal / The Society, 1965-
48. Bulletin of the JSME Japan publications trading Co.,Ltd.
49. Building and environment. Pergamon Press, 1976-
50. Der Bauingenieur.: 建筑工程师(德) Julius Springer,
51. Bautechnik.: 建筑技术(德) Verlag Ernst & Sohn,
52. Baumeister Ernst
53. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. W. Ernst & Sohn.
54. BW bauwirschaft: 建筑机械与建筑技术(德) Berlin
55. Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre Thai Watana Panich Press Co.Ltd..Bangkok
56. Semiconductor photonics and technology =: 半导体光子学与技术. Optoelectronics Research Institute, 1995-
57. IRE transactions on broadcast and television receivers. Institute of Radio Engineers], 1955-1962.
58. Bulletin of alloy phase diagrams. American Society for Metals, c1980-c1990.
59. International hydrographic bulletin. International Hydrographic Bureau,
60. BBC modern english. Modern English Publications Ltd,
61. Bcra review Denki Kagaku Ky?okai P?orarogurafu Iinkai,
62. European journal of mechanics.. B,. Fluids. Gauthier-Villars, c1989-
63. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology :: Beitrèage zur Mineralogie und Petrologie. Springer Verlag, 1966-
64. Construction computing. Springer Verlag, 1966-
65. Derwent Belgian patents report.: Nondelayed. Derwent Pub., c1961-
66. The Chemical engineering journal. Elsevier Sequoia S.A., 1983-
67. Boundary-layer meteorology. D. Reidel Pub. Co., c1970-
68. Braunkohle tagebautechnik. D. Reidel Pub. Co., c1970-
69. British chemical engineering. Industrial Publications, c1956-71.
70. British engineering & transport. Trader Pub. Co.],
71. British communications and electronics. Heywood & Co.,
72. British plastics. IPC Industrial Press Ltd., 1945-1972.
73. British machine tool engineering. Associated British Machine Tool Makers Ltd., c1920-67.
74. British tractors and farm machinery. Welding Institute]
75. British steelmaker.
76. Building materials :: Components and equipment : Dorling Publications, 1955-75
77. The Brown Boveri review. Brown, Boveri & Co.
78. Bulletin Japan publications trading Co.,Ltd.
79. Bulletin de la Societe chimique de France. Societe francaise de chimie, 1985-1997.
80. Bulletin de la societe chimique de France Japan publications trading Co.,Ltd.
81. Bulletin de la Societe francaise de mineralogie et de cristallographie. Masson, 1878-1977.
82. Bulletin de la societe geologique de France. Masson, 1878-1977.
83. Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France the Societe, 1873-
84. Bulletin de la Societe geologique et mineralogique de bretagne. the Societe, 1873-
85. Bulletin d'informations scientifiques et techniques. Commissariat áa l'?energie atomique., 1957-
86. Bulletin geodesique
87. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. The Association, 1918-1966.
88. Bulletin of the british hydromechanics research association. The Association, 1918-1966.
89. Bulletin of the atomic scientisits. The Association, 1918-1966.
90. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. Springer-Verlag, 1966-
91. Bulletin of the Geological Society of China. The Society, 1922-
92. Bulletin of the International Association for Shell Structures. International Association for Shell Structures, 1959-1971.
93. Battelle technical review. Battelle Memorial Institute, -1968.
94. Bander, Bleche, Rohre Vogel-Verlag, 1960-
95. The Ball bearing journal. Skefko Ball Bearing Co.]
96. Bauen + Wohnen =: Building and Home = Bauen + Wohnen, 1946-81
97. BW bauwirtschaft Bauverlag GmbH, 1997-
98. Bell Laboratories record. Bell Telephone Laboratories], 1925-1983.
99. Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft fèur physikalische Chemie. Verlag Chemie,
100. Bergbau Druck und medien GmbH, /4cc1949-
101. Berichte der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft. Die Gesellschaft, 1953-1980.
102. Betonstein zeitung C.F. Müller, c2000.
103. Biochemical pharmacology. Pergamon Press, 1958-
104. The Biochemical journal. Biochemical Society, c1984-
105. BIT. [s.n.], -1994.
106. Bitumen·teere·asphalte peche und verwandte stoffe. [s.n.], -1994.
107. Blech, Rohre, Profile. Prost & Meiner-Verlag.
108. Blast furnace and steel plant. Steel Publications],
109. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Seismological Society of America, etc.], 1911-
110. Bulletin officiel de la propriete industrielle. Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, 1960-1969.
111. Bulletin of the Tokyo Institute of Technology. The Institute, c1950-60.
112. Bulletin signaletique. CNRS, 19 -
113. Bulletin signaletique.. Fasc. 221,. Billiographie des sciences de la terre CNRS, 19 -
114. BCIRA abstracts of foundry literature / The Association, c1969-77.
115. BCIRA technology and abstracts
116. Bhra pumps and other fluids machinery abstracts
117. Bibliography and index of geology=: 地质学书目及索引 Vogel-Verlag, 1960-
118. Bhra tribos (tribology) abstracts. Vogel-Verlag, 1960-
119. British technology index. Library Association., 1962-1980.
120. British plastics federation abstracts The British Plastics Federation, Library and Technical Information Department, c1945-64.
121. British ceramic abstracts. British Ceramic Research Association.
122. Bhra fluid power absracts Published on behalf of the Institute of Fuel by IPC Science and Technology Press, c1960-77.
123. Rheology abstracts. Published by Pergamon Press for the British Society of Rheology, 1958-
124. Belgian patents abstracts.. Section Ch,. Chemical.
125. Bulletin and Foundry Abstracts of the British Cast Iron Research Association The Association 1942-1959
126. Beitrage Zur Mineralogie Und Petrographie Springer Verlag, 1964
127. Brennstoff-Chemie :: Organ des Fachverbandes Kohlechemie e.V. Girardet, c1920-69.
128. Bcira JL. British Cast Iron Research Association
129. Biophysics reports=: 生物物理学报