以"C"开头查询到 362 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Control theory and technology =: 控制理论与技术(英文版) / Editorial Office of Control theory and technology, 2014-
2. China Standardization=: 中国标准化
3. Chimie analytique. Societe de Productions Documentares, 1942-1972.
4. Canmaking & Canning International Metals and Minerals Publications Limited
5. Zeitschrift fur Physik.. B,. Condensed matter. Springer, 1980-
6. World coal :: economics, policies, and prospects / 0521308275 Cambridge University Press, 1987.
7. CAI=: 化学文摘"检索指导" American Chemical Society, 1988
8. Crystal lattice defects. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, [c1969]-c1982.
9. CIG, cryogenics and industrial gases. Business Communications], 1969-
10. Concrete producer news. Edgell Communications, Inc., c1988-1991.
11. CASSI: 化学文摘服务社来源索引季刊增刊: Quarterly supplement.= American Chemical Society,
12. Clays and clay minerals. Pergamon Press, 1968-
13. Chemie morderne s.n.]
14. Comments on Solid State Physics. Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers
15. Caly Minerals Bulletin: Journal of the Caly Minerals Group of the Mineralogical Society Blackwell Scientific Publications
16. China Now the Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding,
17. CCASI=: 计算机与控制文摘主题索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1969-
18. CCAAI=: 计算机与控制文摘著者索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers,
19. Chemical Industry Notes Index=: 化学工业文摘索引 American Chemical Society
20. Corrosion abstracts.: 腐蚀文摘 National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1962-
21. Computer abstracts. Technical Information Co., 1960-
22. Conference papers index. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, 1978-
23. Computer abstracts. Technical Information Co., 1960-
24. Comparative Education s.n.]
25. Chemistry of Natural Compounds Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1989.
26. Current Biography The H.W.Wilson Company, 1996
27. Composites
28. Circuits systenms and signal processing 20 cm
29. Computer and electrical engineering BPCC Techset Ltd
30. Canadian Papermaker Maclean Hunter Publishing Ltd. 1996
31. Carbohydrate Polymers Great Britain
32. Circuits systems and signal processing s.n]
33. Country Report:United Kingdom With Country Profile The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited
34. Country Report:Japan,with country profile The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited
35. Country Report:Ussr,With country profile The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited
36. Country Report:Germany,with country profile The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited
37. Country Report:USA,With Country Profile The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited
38. Country Report:Czechoslovakia,With Country Profile The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited
39. Country Report:Rumania,Bulgaria,Albania,With Country Profile The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited
40. Country Report:France,With Country Profile The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited
41. Country Report:Indochina,Vietam,Laos,Cambodia,With Country Profile The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited
42. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology :: Internation Journal for Physics,Chemistry and Technology of Cellulose and Lignin. The Academy of the Society Republic of Romania.
43. Commercial Motor=: 商业发动机 Reed Business Publishing Ltd.
44. Computers & Control Abstracts author subject index: Cumulative Subject Index. Institution of Electrical Engineers.
45. Computers & Control Abstracts: Cumulative Subject Index. Institution of Electrical Engineers.
46. Civil Engineer International Emap Construct Ltd.
47. Coal & synfuels technology Pasha Publications,
48. Computer bulletin The British Computer Society, 1988
49. Computer peripherals review GML Corporation, 1988
50. Comptes Rendus Del'Academie Des Sciences,Fascicule b elsevier
51. Control solutions. PennWell Pub. Co., c2000-
52. Computer product news Pan European Publishing Co., 1977-
53. Canadian Industrial Equipment News Southam Business Publications
54. Computers, environment and urban systems=: 计算机环境和城市系统 Pergamon, c1980-
55. Computer-aided engineering journal / Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1983-
56. Science China.=: 中国科学地球科学. Series D,. Earth sciences / Science in China Press ; c1996-
57. Computational materials science=: 计算材料科学 Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved
58. Chemical geology=: 化学地质学. Elsevier, 1966-
59. CIM Journal.=: 加拿大矿业学会期刊 Canadian Institute of Mining, 1971-
60. China & World Economy=: 中国与世界经济 , -
61. SIAM journal on computing.=: 工业与应用数学会计算杂志 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1972-
62. Composites science and technology.=: 复合材料科学与技术 Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1985-
63. Civil engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1982-
64. Journal of computing in civil engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1987-
65. Journal of construction engineering and management. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
66. Chinese optics letters.=: 中国光学汇刊 The Science in China Press, 2003-
67. Car styling 铃木
68. Journal of pulp and paper science. Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, 1983-
69. Chemical processing. Putnam Pub. Co., 1950-
70. Contemporary physics.=: 当代物理学 Taylor & Francis, [1959-
71. Chemical reviews.=: 化学评论 American Chemical Society [etc.], 1924-
72. Science in China.: 中国科学D辑:地球科学. Series D,=. Earth sciences / Science in China Press ; c1996-
73. Chinese science bulletin =: 科学通报 Chinese Academy of Sciences, c1989-
74. Corrosion Science =: 腐蚀科学: Pergamon Press 1961-
75. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology=: 矿物学与岩石学论文集 : Springer Verlag, 1966-
76. Journal of composite materials.=: 复合材料杂志 Technomic Pub. Co.], 1967-
77. Canadian mining journal=: 加拿大采矿杂志. Southam Business Communications], 1907-
78. International journal of COMADEM. COMADEM International, 1998-
79. Computer communications. IPC Science and Technology Press, c1978-
80. Control engineering. Technical Pub. Co., etc.]
81. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery. Association for Computing Machinery, -1959.
82. Computer. IEEE Computer Society, 1970-
83. IEEE computer graphics and applications. IEEE Computer Society , c1981-
84. IEEE circuits and devices magazine. IEEE, [c1986].
85. Control systems magazine. Control Systems Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], c1981-c1984.
86. IEEE communications letters. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1997-
87. Computing in science & engineering AIP ; c1999-
88. IEEE transactions on communications. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1972-
89. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics.: a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society.. Part B,. Cybernetics : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., c1996-
90. The computer journal. Published by Oxford University Press for the British Computer Society, [etc.], 1958-
91. Computer communication review. ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication, 1971-
92. ACM computing surveys. Association for Computing Machinery, c1971-
93. College and Research libraries California State University
94. College english James C. Raymond
95. College composition and communication National Council of Teachers of English
96. Conference papers index Camgrige Scientific Abstracts
97. Commucications on pure and applied mathematics Natascha A.Brunswick
98. China Pictorial=: 中国画报 China Publications,33 chegongzhuang Xilu, .
99. China today =: 今日中国. China Welfare Institute, 1990-
100. College English =: 大学英语: National Council of Teachers of English, 1939-
101. Current chemical reactions. Institute for Scientific Information, 1979-
102. Chemical, biomedical, and environmental instrumentation. M. Dekker] ; 1979-1983.
103. Journal of the Chemical Society.: Chemical communications / The Society, 1972-c1995.
104. Chemistry letters. Chemical Society of Japan, 1972-
105. Chemische Berichte. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. [etc.], 1947-1996.
106. Chemie in Labor und Biotechnik :: CLB. Umschau, 1990-
107. IEE proceeding.: Circuits, devices and systems / The Institution, c1994-
108. IEE proceedings.: Computers and digital techniques. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994-
109. IEE proceedings.: Communications. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994-
110. IEE proceedings.: Control theory and applications Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1994-
111. Catalysis reviews science & engineering Marcel Dekker,Ine
112. Catalysts in chemistry. R. H. Chandler, 1977-
113. Colloid and polymer science. D. Steinkopff [etc.]
114. Journal of coordination chemistry. Gordon and Breach Science Pub., c1971-
115. Canadian Copper/Cuivre Canadien.=: 加拿大铜 (Text in English, French) Canadian Copper & Brass Development Association, 1960-
116. Carbohydrate research. Elsevier Scientific Pub.,
117. Analytical letters. M. Dekker, 1967-
118. The Canadian surveyor. The Canadian Institute of Surveying and Mapping.
119. Current advances in biochemistry CABS,132 New Walk,Leicester,LeI 7QQ
120. Chromatography abstracts. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1986-
121. Critical inquiry in language studies Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Inc.
122. Chemistry international. Blackwell Scientific Publications [etc.], 1979-
123. Computers and structures Pergamon, c1971-
124. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering. North-Holland Pub. Co., c1972-
125. Combustion science and technology. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
126. Computer Bermard L.Peuto
127. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. IEEE Circuits and Systems Society], 1974-1991.
128. cyberneti and systems Hemispherre Publishing orporation
129. Control & instrumentation. Morgan-Grampian, 1969-
130. Cybernetica
131. Control and computers.:: a journal of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development. CATA Press, c1972-80.
132. Computers and people Edmund C.Berketey
133. Computer and information systems abstracts. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, c1993-
134. Computer review GML Cororation
135. Computer design. Computer Design Pub. Corp.,
136. Computers & chemistry. Pergamon, c1976-
137. Computers & chemical engineering. Pergamon Press.
138. Computer Languages Pergamon Press, 1976-
139. Computers & education. Pergamon Press, 1976-
140. Casting engineering W.H.kessler
141. Corrosion. National Association of Corrosion Engineers]
142. Corrosion prevention and control. Scientific Surveys Ltd, 1954-
144. Compressed air. Compressed Air Magazine, etc.]
145. Chilton's I & C S :: the industrial and process control magazine. Chilton, 1983-1992.
146. Chemical engineering. McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.,
147. CEP :: Chemical Engineering Progress American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1956-
148. Chemical Technology American Chemical Society, 1971-73
149. Automotive industries. Chilton Co., 1994-
150. Chemical industry notes. American Chemical Society, Chemical Abstracts Service.
151. The chemical engineer. Institution of Chemical Engineers.
152. Chemical engineering research & design / The Institution ; c1983-
153. Chemical engineering science. Pergamon Press, Inc., 1951-
154. Chemistry and industry. Society of Chemical Industry],
155. Chemical engineering & technology. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft c1987-
156. The Canadian journal of chemical engineering. Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering. 1957-
157. Carbon. Pergamon Press, 1963-
158. Critical reviews in analytical chemistry / CRC Press, 1980-
159. Food engineering. Chilton Co.,
160. Civil engineering Morgan-Grampian, 1974-
161. Concrete. Concrete Society.
162. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.: Civil engineering. Published for the Institution of Civil Engineers by Thomas Telford Services, c1992-
163. Construction plant & equipment Morgan-Grampian Ltd.
164. Concrete construction. Concrete Construction Publications, inc.]
165. Concret works international Eyre & Spottiswoode publications Limited.
166. Construction & Building Materials Scientific & Technical, 1987-
167. Chinese chemical letters =: 中国化学快报 : preliminary chemical communica tions in English. Chinese chemical society, 1990-
168. China Reconstruts=: 中国建设 China Cable Chirecon
169. Chinese journal of mechanical engineering=: 机械工程学报 / China Machine Press, 1988-
170. Chinese journal of chemical physics=: 化学物理学报/ Scienc Press, 2006-
171. Chinese journal of chemical engineering=: 中国化学工程学报. Chemical Industry Press, 1992-
172. Chinese journal of geochemistry =: 中国地球化学 . Science Press, 1985-
173. CA:=: 化学文摘文摘本 Chemical Abstracts Service, 1907-
174. Chinese Science Abstracts=: 中国学术期刊文摘. ,
175. CA:PI=: 化学文摘专利索引 Chemical Abstracts Service, 1907-
176. CA:AI=: 化学文摘著者索引 Chemical Abstracts Service, 1907-
177. CA:GSI=: 化学文摘普通主题索引 Chemical Abstracts Service, 1907-
178. CA:CSI=: 化学文摘化学物质索引 Chemical Abstracts Service, 1907-
179. CA:FI=: 化学文摘分子式索引 Chemical Abstracts Service, 1907-
180. CA:IG=: 化学文摘索引指南 Chemical Abstracts Service, 1907-
181. CASSI: 化学文摘服务社来源索引: Cumulative= Chemical Abstracts Service, 1907-
182. Journal of physics.: an Institute of Physics journal.: Condensed matter : IOP Pub., c1989-
183. Pure and applied chemistry.: Chimie pure et applique鈋. Blackwell Scientific Publications,
184. Production / Facts on File, 1984.
185. Progress in crystal growth and characterization. Pergamon Press, 1977-1989.
186. Monatshefte f?r Chemie. Springer-Verlag, 1968-
187. IEEE transactions on communication technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1964-1971.
188. Photonics spectra Laurin, c1988.
189. Construct in steel International Organization for Standardization, c1985.
190. Colloquium on molecular kinesis in cellular function and plasticity / National Academy of Sciences, c2002.
191. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference :: proceedings / IEEE, 1990.
192. Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1975-
193. Journal of the Chemical Society.: Chemical communications / The Society, 1972-c1995.
194. Compte rendu / Comité national fran?ais de géodésie et géophysique, 1939?-
195. Computer aided design. Butterworth-Heinemann [etc.], 1968-
196. Computer vision, graphics, and image processing. Academic Press, c1983-c1990.
197. Computers & graphics. Pergamon Press, 1975-
198. Computer physics reports. Elsevier Science Pub. B.V. (North-Holland Physics Pub. Division), 1983-
199. Computer networks and ISDN systems. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., c1985-1998
200. Computers and automation and people. Berkeley Enterprises], 1973.
201. Computers & operations research. Pergamon Press.
202. Computers & mathematics with applications. Pergamon Press, c1987-
203. Computers & industrial engineering. Pergamon,
204. Computers and geotechnics. Elsevier, c1985-
205. Computers in industry. North-Holland Pub. Co.
206. Custom builder. Willows Pub. Group], c1987-1999.
207. Computers & structures Pergamon Press
208. Computing reviews. Association for Computing Machinery, [1961-
209. Computers in mechanical engineering :: CIME. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1982-
210. Concrete and constructional engineering. Concrete Publications, 1906-1966.
211. Concrete international :: design & construction / The Institute, c1979-
212. Concrete international :: design & construction / The Institute, c1979-
213. Concrete products. Maclean-Hunter Publishing Corp. 1988-
214. SIAM journal on computing. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1972-
215. Science in China.. Series B,. Chemistry / Science in China Press ; c1996-
216. Scientia Sinica. Academia Sinica, [1954-
217. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology :: Beitrèage zur Mineralogie und Petrologie. Springer Verlag, 1966-
218. Construction computing. Springer Verlag, 1966-
219. Concrete quarterly. Cement and Concrete Association.
220. Coordination chemistry reviews. Elsevier Publishing Company,
221. Current chemical papers. Chemical Society, 1954-1969.
222. Current advances in ecological sciences. Pergamon Press, 1975-1988.
223. Cryogenic information report. J.R. Campbell & Associates [etc.], 1963-1990
224. Chromatographia. Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn ; 1968-
225. Clay minerals. Blackwell Scientific Publications.
226. Chemistry in Britain. Chemical Education Trust Fund for the Chemical Society and the Royal Institute of Chemistry, 1965-2003.
227. Chimie & industrie. Soci?et?e de chimie industrielle, [1918-1966]
228. Chemosphere. Pergamon Press, 1972-
229. Chinese literature. Foreign Languages Press, etc.], 1951-
230. Chinese journal of lasers,. B. Chinese Optical Society, 1992-
231. Chinese journal of metal science & technology =: Chung-kuo chin shu k°o hsèueh chi shu tsa chih. Metallurgical Industry Press ;
232. Chinese physics letters =: Chung-kuo wu li k'uai pao / Science Press, 1984-
233. Civil engineering and public works review. Lomax, Erskine & Co, 1906-
234. Coal mining Cambridge University Press, 1984.
235. Coal age Intertec Publishing Corp., c1997-
236. Chemistry of coal utilization / Wiley ; 1945.
237. Coke and GAS Wiley ; 1945.
238. Colliery enginering Wiley ; 1945.
239. Cobalt. Centre d'Information du Cobalt, c1958-75.
240. Colorado school of mines quarterly Centre d'Information du Cobalt, c1958-75.
241. Colliery guardian Centre d'Information du Cobalt, c1958-75
242. Combustion Centre d'Information du Cobalt, c1958-75
243. Commerce industrial and mining review. Elsevier [etc.], 1957-
244. Communication and electronics. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [1966]
245. Communications in mathematical physics. Springer-Verlag, [1966-
246. Communications on pure and applied mathematics. Springer-Verlag, [1966-
247. Communications in partial differential equations. Marcel Dekker, inc., 1976-
248. Communications in nonlinear science & numerical simulation. Center for Nonlinear Science, Peking University, 1996-
249. Compositio mathematica. Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1934-
250. Composites.. Part. A,. Applied science and manufacturing Elsevier science Ltd, c1997-
251. Compte rendu sommaire des seances de la Societe geologique de France. La Societe,
252. Comptes rendus des s?eances de l'Acad?emie des sciences.. S?erie C,. Sciences chimiques. publi?es avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique par MM. les secr?etaires perp?etuels : 1979-1980.
253. Comptes rendus des séances - Académie des inscriptions & belles-lettres. ?ditions Klincksieck [etc.]
254. Current contents Institute of British Foundrymen, 1987-
255. Current physics index. American Institute of Physics, 1975-
256. Cybernetics and systems. Hemisphere Pub. Corp., 1980-
257. Current microbiology. Springer-Verlag], 1978-
258. Chemical and engineering news :: "news edition" of the American Chemical Society. The Society, 1942-
259. Chemical & metallurgical engineering. McGraw Hill Co., -[c1946]
260. The Chemical engineering journal. Elsevier Sequoia S.A., -[1983]
261. The Chemical engineering journal. Elsevier Sequoia S.A., 1983-
262. Ciemical,biomedical,and environmental instrumentation. Elsevier Science Publishers [etc.], 1973-
263. Chemical geology. Elsevier Science Publishers [etc.], 1973-
264. Chemical products. Trundell, c1936-63.
265. Chemical Society reviews. Royal Society of Chemistry, etc.], 1972-
266. Chemie der erde. Royal Society of Chemistry, etc.], 1972-
267. Chemicalweek. Royal Society of Chemistry, etc.], 1972-
268. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH [etc.], 1949-
269. Chemie fur labor und betrieb. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH [etc.], 1949-
270. Chemical titles. American Chemical Society, 1960-
271. Chemiefasern. Deutscher Fachverlag, 1960-1972.
272. Chemistry Deutscher Fachverlag, 1960-1972.
273. Chemist-analyst. J. T. Baker Chemical Co.], 1911-
274. Chemische Industrie. Verlag Handelsblatt, c1949-
275. Journal of the Chemical Society.: Faraday transactions I. Faraday Division of the Chemical Society, c1972-c1985.
276. Bauen + Wohnen =: Building and Home = Bauen + Wohnen, 1946-81
277. Acta polytechnica Scandinavica.: Chemistry including metallurgy series. Scandinavian Council for Applied Research], 1958-1983.
278. American Ceramic Society bulletin. The Society], 1946-
279. Transactions of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Mining Society of Nova Scotia. Candian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
280. Canadian controls + instruments. Maclean-Hunter], 1978-1982
281. California mining journal. Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1975-
282. Revue de metallurgie.: Cahiers d'informations techniques. Revue de metallurgie, 1980-
283. Canadian electronics engineering. Maclean-Hunter, 1957-79.
284. Canadian cuivre copper canadien. Maclean-Hunter, 1957-79.
285. Canadian journal of chemistry. National Research Council, [1951-
286. Canadian geotechnical journal. National Research Council Canada. 1963-
287. Canadian journal of mathematics =: Journal canadien de math?ematiques. Published for the Canadian Mathematical Society by the University of Toronto Press, 1949-
288. Canadian journal of physics =: Journal canadien de physique. National Research Council, 1951-
289. Computers and geotechnics. Elsevier, c1985-
290. The Canadian mineralogist. Mineralogical Association of Canada, 1957-
291. Castings / Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991.
292. Cism joournal acsgc. Continental Communications, c1986-
293. Canadian plastics. Southam Business Pub., c1943-
294. Canadian Patent Office record =: La Gazette du Bureau des Brevets. The Office, c19??-69.
295. Catalogue of ostracoda The Office, c19??-69.
296. Catalogue of Foraminifera / The American Museum of Natural History, 1940-
297. Ceramic forum international :: CFI : Berichte der DKG. Bauverlag, [1980-
298. Cement and lime manufacture. Bauverlag, [1980-
299. Cement and Concrete Research :: An International Journal Pergamon Press, 1971-
300. Cereal chemistry. American Association of Cereal Chemists, n.d.
301. Ceramics. Scott Advertising & Pub. Co., c1963-
302. Ceramic industries journal. Turret Press], 1974-89.
303. Chemical age The Institution, c1954-81.
304. Chemica scripta. Published for the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences by Cambridge University Press [etc.], 1971-
305. Annual reports / Australian Government Publishing Service, 1985-
306. Zeitschrift fur Physik Springer. 1975-80.
307. Cambridge Scientific biochemistry abstracts.. Part 2,. Nucleic acids. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, c1985-
308. Ceramic abstracts. American Ceramic Society, 1922-
309. Casting digest. American Ceramic Society, 1922-
310. Casting technology. American Ceramic Society, 1922-
311. CCA=: 计算机与控制文摘 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1969-
312. Computer abstracts. Technical Information Co., 1960-
313. Coal and appliances. Technical Information Co., 1960-
314. Conference papers annual index. Technical Information Co., 1960-
315. Corrosion abstracts. National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1962-
316. Crerar metals abstracts / The Library. c1952-63.
317. Index Chemicus Institute for Scientific Information.
318. Current papers in electrical & electronics engineering. s.n., 1969-
319. Current technology index=: 电流技术索引 Library Association Pub., 1981-
320. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之C:农用化学品. C. Agrochemicals= Derwent Publications Ltd.
321. Ceramic industry. Cahners Pub. Co., etc.], 1923-
322. Contemporary Authors Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
323. Journal of photochemistry and photobiology.. A,. Chemistry. Elsevier Sequoia, 1987-
324. Chemical and Process Engineering and Atomic World. Johnson,Matthey Company.
325. INFOR. INFOR Journa, 1971-
326. Acta crystallographica.. Section A,. Crystal physics, diffraction, theoretical and general crystallography. Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard, c1967-c1982.
327. Acta crystallographica.. Section C,. Crystal structure communications. Published for International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard, 1983-
328. CACI:CS=: 累积索引之化学物质索引 America Chemican Society, 1907-
329. CACI:FI=: 累积索引之分子式索引 American Chemical Society, 1907-
330. CACI:AI=: 累积索引之著者索引 American Chemical Society, 1907-
331. CACI:GSI=: 累积索引之普通主题索引 American Chemical Society 1907-
332. CACI:PI=: 累积索引之专利索引 American Chemical Society, 1907-
333. CACI:IG=: 累积索引之索引指南 American Chemical Society, 1907-
334. Revue de l'industrie min?erale. Publi?e par la Soci?et?e de l'industrie min?erale avec le concours du Comit?e central des houilláeres de France, et de la Chambre syndicale fran?caise des mines m?etallurgiques, 1921-1971.
335. CASRHI=: 化学文摘服务社登记号手册(登记号索引) American Chemical Society, 1907-
336. Conference internationale sur les peties particules et amas inorganiques. s.n.], 1974.
337. Computer world CW Communications/Inc, 1979
338. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering s.n.]
339. CA:HAICI=: 化学文摘杂原子索引 Chemical Abstracts Service, 1907-
340. CACI:IRS=: 累积索引之环系索引 American Chemical Society, 1907-
341. CA:SI=: 化学文摘主题索引 Chemical Abstracts Service, 1907
342. CACI:SI=: 累积索引之主题索引 America Chemican Society, 1907-
343. Chemical Engineering and Mining Review s.n]
344. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之B:药品(制药学). B. Pharmaceuticals= Derwent Publications Ltd.
345. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之A:塑料,聚合物. A. Plastics,Polymers= Derwent Publications Ltd.
346. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之D:食品,洗涤物质. D. Food,Detergents= Derwent Publications Ltd.
347. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之E:普通化学. E. General Chemicals= Derwent Publications Ltd.
348. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之F:纺织品和造纸. F. Texitles and Paper Making= Derwent Publications Ltd.
349. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之G:印刷,镀膜(着色,覆盖)摄影. G. Printing,Coating,Photographic= Derwent Publications Ltd.
350. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之M:冶金学. M. Metallurgy= Derwent Publications Ltd.
351. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之L:陶器,水泥,电化学. L. Pefractories,Ceramics,Cement,Electrochemical= Derwent Publications Ltd.
352. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之K:原子核工程,爆炸性物质,防护. K. Nucleonics,Explosives,Protection= Derwent Publications Ltd.
353. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之H:石油. H. Petroleum= Derwent Publications Ltd.
354. CPI: 化学专利索引科技文献之J:化学工程. J. Chemical Engineering= Derwent Publications Ltd.
355. Combustion and flame. Elsevier [etc.], 1957-
356. Computer vision and image understanding Academic Press, 1995-
357. Compel.=: 挤压 Boole Press, c1982-
358. CIM magazine.=: 加拿大矿业学会杂志 Canadian Institute of Mining, 1971-
359. Canadian metallurgical quarterly=: 加拿大冶金季刊. Pergamon Press.
360. Canadian metalworking=: 加拿大金属加工. MacLean-Hunter Pub. Co.]
361. Cutting tool engineering.=: 切削工具工程 CTE Pubications, etc.]
362. Construction manager Rod Swet