以"E"开头查询到 245 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. ECS Electrochemistry Letters=: 电化学通报 Electrochemical Society, 1902-
2. ECS Solid State Letters=: 电化学 Electrochemical Society, 1902-
3. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technoiogy= Electrochemical Society, 1902-
4. Environmental geosciences / Blackwell Science, Inc., 1995-
5. ESD :: the electronic system design magazine. Digital Design Pub. Corp., c1987-
6. ESD.Digital Design Morgan Grampain Publishing Company
7. Elastomers Notebook Elastomer cHEMICALS dEPT.,E.I.du Pont de Nemours and Company
8. Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau Springer-Verlag
9. EEACSI=: 电子和电子技术文摘累积主题索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
10. EEAAI=: 电子和电子技术文摘著者索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
11. EEASI=: 电子和电子技术文摘主题索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
12. EPI. U&V. U:Semiconductors and Electronic Circuitry Derwent Publications Ltd.
13. EPI. W&X. W:Communications Derwent Publications Ltd.
14. EPI. S-T. S:Instrumentation,Measuring and Testing Derwent Publications Ltd.
15. Ekistic index of periodicals : Athens technological organization , 19710-
16. Energy research abstracts. Technical Information Center, U.S. Dept. of Energy ;
17. Environment abstracts Index=: 环境文摘索引 EIC Intelligence Inc
18. Key abstracts.: Electronic instrumentation. INSPEC ; 1987-
19. Europe-asia studies The University of Glasgow 1996
20. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. Biotechnology Reseach and Reviews Butterworth-Heinemann
21. Engineering Optimization Cordon and Breach Science Publishers
22. Eastern European Economics M.E.Sharpe,Inc
23. Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal The Institution of Electrical Engeering
24. European Journal Of Biochemistry s.n.]
25. Electro Technology s.n.]
26. ELT Journal =: English language teaching journal The University Press in Association with the British Coucil.
27. Electric power systems research power systems studies
28. European Journal of information systems s.n]
29. Encounter=: 遭遇 Encounter Ltd.
30. Electrical Communication Electrical Communication
31. Everyday practical electronics/ETI. Wimborne Publishing, [1973]-
32. Optoelectronics.: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
33. Microwave :: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
34. Diode :: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
35. International Directory of Ics & Discrete Semiconductors: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
36. Thyristor :: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
37. Power Semiconductor: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
38. EContent. Online, Inc., c1999-
39. Elektrische Maschinen / Springer, 1924-1950.
40. Energy & environment. Multi-Science Pub. Co., 1990-
41. Interface integrated circuits :: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
42. European journal of mineralogy. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (N?gele u. Obermiller), c1989-
43. Engineering sciences data :: Contfct stresses between cam and follower. Engineering sciences data unit, 1978.
44. Engineering sciences data :. Volume7, Engineering sciences data unit,
45. Science China.=: 中国科学地球科学. Series D,. Earth sciences / Science in China Press ; c1996-
46. Engineering Sciences=: 中国工程科学 , -
47. Enterpreneurship: Theory and Practice. =: 工商企业家:理论与实践 , -
48. Economic geology bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists=: 经济地质学与经济地质学家学会通报. Economic Geology Pub. Co., 1943-1998.
49. IEEE engineering management review. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
50. Journal of environmental quality. Published cooperatively by American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America], 1972-
51. Engineering and mining journal=: 工程与采矿杂志. McGraw Hill Pub. Co., 1926-
52. Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics. J. Wiley, 1972-
53. Electrochemical and solid-state letters.=: IEEE-ECS电化学与固体快报 The Society, 1998-
54. Journal of the Electrochemical Society.=: 电化学学会志 Electrochemical Society, 1902-
55. ELT journal / The University Press, c1982-
56. English today. Cambridge University Press, 1988.
57. Educational Studies Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Inc.
58. Engineering technology.=: 工程技术 the IIE, c1998-
59. Science in China.: 中国科学D辑:地球科学. Series D,=. Earth sciences / Science in China Press ; c1996-
60. Science in China=: 中国科学E辑:工程与材料科学. Series E,. Engineering & materials science / Science in China Press, c2004-
61. Quarterly journal of engineering geology and hydrogeology.= Geological Society Pub. House for the Geological Society, c2000-
62. Environmental engineering =: 环境工程: Published
63. Engineering Management=: 工程管理. IEE Publication Sales Department,UK, 1991-
64. IEEE transactions on engineering management / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-
65. IEEE electron device letters=: IEEE电子器件快报: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1980-
66. IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine. The Society, [c1982-
67. IEEE transactions on electron devices. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963-
68. Educational technology Educational technology Publications,Inc.,
69. English journal Ruth K.J. Cline.University of Colorado
70. Journal de mecanique
71. Experimental mechanics The Society for Experimental Mechanics,Inc.
72. Experiments in fluids W.Merzkirch
73. Electri.onics Lincoln R. Samelson
74. IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation :: a publication of the IEEE Neural Networks Council. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1997-
75. Economica.=: 经济学 T. Fisher Unwin, [1921-
76. IEE proceedings.. B,. Electric power applications. Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-1993.
77. Journal of energy engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1983-
78. English. Oxford University Press], 1936-
79. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. Humana Press, 1981-
80. Engineering geology Elsevier scientific publishing company
81. Energy engineering Energy Engineering, 1980-
82. Engineering. Office for Advertisements and Publication, 1866-
83. The Engineer. Morgan-Grampian (Publishers), 1856-
84. Engineers' digest. Engineering Industries Association, 1940-
85. Engineering design graphics journal. Engineering Design Graphics Division, American Society for Engineering Education]
86. Eureka. Innopress Ltd.,
87. Engineering fracture mechanics. Pergamon Press, c1968-
88. Environmental science & technology. American Chemical Society, c1967-
89. Energy progress. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, c1981-
90. Electrical world. McGraw Pub. Co., 1906-
91. Electra / the Conference, 1967-
92. EC & M :: electrical construction and maintenance. McGraw-Hill, c1981-
93. The Electrical review. IPC Electrical-Electronic Press,
94. EE product news. Intertec Publishing Corp., c1988-
95. Elektrotechnik. Vogel-Verlag.
96. Electric light & power Robert J.
97. Electronic technology. Society of Electronic and Radio Technicians,
98. Electronics. McGraw-Hill, c1985-
99. Electronic engineering. Morgan-Grampian, -2001
100. International journal of electronics. Taylor & Francis, 1965-
101. Electronics and power / The Institution, c1964-[c1987]
102. Electronics industry. Lesterstar ltd.], 1975-
103. Ergonomics. Taylor & Francis, 1957-
104. European rubber journal Crain Communications Ltd.
105. Elektronische Rechenanlagen. Oldenbourg. R., c1959-85.
106. Engineering structures. IPC Science and Technology Press, 1978-
107. European water and sewage Fuel & Metallurgical Journals, 1974-
108. The Engineering index monthly.=: 工程索引月刊 Engineering Information, c1984-
109. Electronics test. Miller Freeman Publications, etc.]
110. Electronics & communications abstracts journal. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Inc., c1972-
111. The Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. The Institution, [1949]-c1963.
112. Electronics today :: Canada's magazine for electonics and computing enthusiasts. Moorshead Publications, 1984-1987]
113. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Stress Analysis. Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, 1945-1983.
114. Electronique industrielle. Societe de Presse et de Services, c1955-90.
115. Electroplating & metal finishing. Wheatland Journals Ltd., etc.], 1947-
116. Electro-technology. C.M. Technical Publications Corp., c1960-70.
117. Elektor electronics. Elektor Pub., c1984-
118. ELH. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1934-
119. Elektro-Nachrichten. Bielefeld Verlagsanstalt, c1949-
120. Elektronik. Franzis-Verlag, 1954-
121. Empire survey review. published for the Secretary of State for the Colonies by the Crown Agents for the Colonies, 1931-1962.
122. Endeavour :: A Review of the Progress of Science and Technology in the Service of Mankind Pergamon Press 1942-
123. Energie 1960-1988 =: Energy 1960-1988. 9282616967 Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 1990.
124. Energy.=: 能 Pergamon Press.
125. Energie nucleaire. s.l., c1957-
126. Energie und Technik. Klepzig, c1949-74.
127. Energy conversion and management. Pergamon, 1980-
128. Energy progress. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, c1981-
129. Energy world :: Bulletin of the Institute of Fuel. The Institute, c1973-
130. Engine design and applications. Temple Press, 1964-
131. The Engineer. Morgan-Grampian (Publishers), 1856-
132. Earth, moon, and planets. D. Reidel Pub. Co., c1984-
133. IRE transactions on electronic computers. The Institute of Radio Engineers,
134. Petro/Chem engineer. [s.n.], -1971.
135. IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1964-
136. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing. The Institute, 1953-
137. International journal of engineering science J. Wiley, 1972-
138. The institution of civil engineers Pergamon Press, 1985.
139. Elektronische Rundschau. Verlag fur Radio-Foto-Kinotechnik], 1955-1963.
140. European journal of mechanics.. A,. Solids. Gauthier-Villars, c1989-
141. European journal of mechanics.. B,. Fluids. Gauthier-Villars, c1989-
142. Europhysics letters. Editions de Physique, [1986-
143. D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
144. Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards.. C,. Engineering and instrumentation / The Bureau ; 1959-1972.
145. Electronic design. Hayden Pub. Co., 1952-
146. Electronic production. Kiver-Patterson , 1972-2003.
147. Electronic news. Electronic News Pub. Corp., 1991-
148. Electronic progress. Raytheon Manufacturing Company, c1956-c1982.
149. Electronic & radio engineer. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 1957-1959]
150. Electronic & radio engineer. Iliffe & Sons Ltd., 1957-1959]
151. Electronic industries. Chilton Co., c1958-c1966]
152. Electronic components. United Trade Press], 1963-
153. The Journal of the electron. c1889-19??.
154. Electronic age / The Corporation, c1947-
155. Electronic and appliance specialist. Electronic Specialist Publishing Co.,
156. Electronic application N.V. Uitgeversmaatschappij Centrex, c1958-65.
157. Electromagnetics CRC Press, c2001.
158. Electromechanical design Benwill Publishing Corp. 1972-??
159. Electrodeposition and surface treatment. Elsevier Sequoia.
160. Electrochimica acta. Pergamon Pr., 1959-
161. Electricity. Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 1990-
162. Electro optics. Cahners Pub. Co., 1983.
163. Electrochemical technology. Electrochemical Society, 1963-1968.
164. Electrical power engineer. Electrical Power Engineers' Associattion, c1919-
165. The electrical manufacturer. Techniview Publications Ltd., 1956-1961.
166. The Electrical journal. David B. Adams, 1952-1962.
167. The Electrician. James Gray, 1878-1952]
168. EE :: electrical equipment. Sutton Publishing Co., c1941-81.
169. Electrical engineering. American Institute of Electrical Engineers, etc., c1931-1963
170. Environmental pollution.=: 环境污染 Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1987-
171. Environmental and experimental botany. Pergamon Press, 1976-
172. The English electric journal. [s.n.], 1920-1968.
173. Environmental geology and water sciences. Springer-Verlag, c1984-c1992.
174. Environmental progress. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, c1982-
175. Ergodic theory and dynamical systems. University Press, c1981-
176. Erdol und kohle. University Press, c1981-
177. Erzmetall. University Press, c1981-
178. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science. Academic Press in association with the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association, 1981-
179. European journal of operational research. North-Holland Pub. Co., 1977-
180. Experientia. Verlag Birkhèauser, 1945-1996.
181. Excavating engineer. Society for the Study of Evolution,
182. Experimental techniques. Society for Experimental Stress Analysis,
183. Explosives / Verlag Chemie, 1981.
184. The Explosives engineer. Hercules Powder Co.], 1923-1961.
185. Forum Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1999.
186. ETZ.. Ausgabe A,. elektrotechnische Zeitschrift / VDE-Verlag, c1951-78.
187. Earth and planetary science letters. Elsevier, 1966-
188. Earthmoving and construction. Elsevier, 1966-
189. Earth-science reviews. Elsevier Pub. Co.,
190. Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift :: ETZ. VDE-Verlag,
191. Ecology Collins, c2007.
192. Archives of environmental health. Heldref Publications [etc.], 1960-
193. Aluminium. World Health Organization , 1997.
194. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology. Springer-Verlag, 1973-
195. Archiv fur Elektrotechnik =: Archive of electrical engineering. Springer International, 1912-
196. Wasser, Energie, Luft.: Eau, ergie, air. Schweizerischer Wasserwirtschaftsverband] 1976-
197. Zeitschrift fur Erzbergbau und Metallhuttenwesen. Kr. Riederer, 1948-1968.
198. Zinc / World Health Organization, 2001.
199. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence Pineridge Press Periodicals, c1988-
200. Engineering and boiler house review. Engineering Review Publishing Co., c1920-
201. Engineering cybernetics. Scripta Pub. Co.,
202. Engineering materials & design. Scripta Pub. Co.,
203. The English journal. University of Chicago Press, 1928-1939.
204. Engineering production and cost functions for tankers / Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; 1979.
205. Engineering news-record. McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. [etc.], 1917-
206. Ectroanalytical abstracts. Library Association Pub., 1981-
207. Science abstracts.. Section B,. Electrical engineering abstracts. Institution of Electrical Engineers,
208. EEA=: 电子和电子技术文摘 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
209. Elght peak index of mass spectra=: 质谱八峰值索引 The Mass Spectromertry Date Centre
210. Environment abstracts. Bowker A&I Pub., 1974-
211. Engineers' digest. Engineering Industries Association, 1940-
212. Key abstracts.: 电气测量和使用仪器解答文摘: Electrical measurements and instrumentation. Published jointly by the Institution of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1976-
213. Engineering design handbook :: Dlelectric embedding of electrical or electronic components [s.n.], 1962.
214. EDN. Rogers Pub. Co.,
215. Electric machines and power systems. Hemisphere Pub. Corp., c1983-2000.
216. Electric machines and electromechanics. Hemisphere Pub. Corp.]
217. Electric Furnace Conference Proceedings the Society, 1986-.
218. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. Academic Press.
219. Economic geography. Clark University, 1925-
220. Ecological monographs. Ecological Society of America, etc., 1931-
221. Entrainements & systemes. s.n.]
222. Engineering Education. American Society for Engineering Education, c1984.
223. European journal of combinatorics. Academic Press, c1980-
224. European chemical news. Reed Business Pub., 1962-
225. EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union American Geophysical Union
226. The Engineering Index Annual.=: 工程索引年刊 Engineering Information, c1993-
227. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之Q7A:照明,加热. Q7A. Lighting,Heating= Derwent Information Ltd.
228. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之Q6A:工程,元素. Q6A. Engineering,Elements= Derwent Information Ltd.
229. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之Q5A:发动机,泵. Q5A. Engines,Pumps= Derwent Information Ltd.
230. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之Q4A:建筑,结构. Q4A. Buildings,Construction= Derwent Information Ltd.
231. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之Q3A:传输,装箱,贮藏. Q3A. Conveying,Packaging,Storing= Derwent Information Ltd.
232. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之Q2A:特殊交通工具. Q2A. Special Vehicles= Derwent Information Ltd.
233. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之Q1A:普通交通工具. Q1A. Vehicles In General= Derwent Information Ltd.
234. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之P8A:普通光学,摄影. P8A. Optics,Photography,General= Derwent Information Ltd.
235. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之P7A:冲压,印刷. P7A. Pressing,Printing= Derwent Information Ltd.
236. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之P6A:成型非金属. P6A. Shaping Non-Metal= Derwent Information Ltd.
237. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之P4A:分离,混合. P4A. Separating Mixing= Derwent Information Ltd.
238. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之P5A:成型金属. P5A. Shaping Metal= Derwent Information Ltd.
239. EPI: 工程专利索文摘公报之P3A:健康,娱乐. P3A. Health,Amusement= Derwent Information Ltd.
240. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之P2A:个人(的),家庭(的). P2A. Personal,Domestic= Derwent Information Ltd.
241. EPI: 工程专利索引文摘公报之P1A:农业,食品,烟草. P1A. Agriculture,Food,Tobacco= Derwent Information Ltd.
242. EPI. S. Instrumentation Measuring and Testing Derwent Information Ltd.
243. EPI: 电子专利索引文摘公报之T:计算与控制. T. Computing and Control= Derwent Information Ltd.
244. Environmental Development=: 环境开发
245. The econometrics journal.=: 计量经济学杂志 Blackwell Publishers ; c1998-