以"F"开头查询到 82 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Food science and technology abstracts: 食品科学与技术文摘 Boston Hannah Communications, Ltd., 2001-
2. WPI Weekly:Priority Index: 世界专利索引周刊仅优先权索引之A-X:全部. A-X. Complete Derwent Publications Lim., 1988-
3. Food science and technology abstracts: 食品科学与技术文摘年刊索引之著者及主题索引. Annual Index. Author and Subject Index International Food Information Service, Ltd., 2001-
4. Fluid power abstracts. BHRA Fluid Engineering]
5. Fluid power abstracts indexes. BHRA Fluid Engineering]
6. Finite Elements in Analysis and Disign s.n. 1996
7. Physics World=: 物理世界 IOP Publishing Ltd
8. Food & Drug Packaging Edgell Communications,Inc
9. Science research abstracts journal. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, c1981-
10. Food :: Flavourings Ingredients processing Packaging United Trade
11. Feed International Watt Publishing Co
12. Fett Wissenschaft Technologie s.n.]
13. Fleet Owner=: 舰队所有者 McGraw-Hill,Inc.
14. Foster wheeler review Foster Wheeler Corporation. 2000
15. Fast Ferry International High-Speed Surface Craft Ltd.
16. Finishing industries. Wheatland Journals]
17. Food manufacture Wyndeham Heron Ltd,Maldon,UK
18. Food science & technology :: information quarterly of the Institute of Food Science and Technology. Boston Hannah Communications, Ltd., 2001-
19. Fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures.=: 工程材料及结构的疲劳与断裂 Pergamon Press, c1985-
20. Furnaces international.=: 国际熔炉 DMG World Media (UK), c2003-
21. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems.: a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.. 1,. Fundamental theory and applications : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1992-
22. Fluid mechanics soviet research Scripta Publishing Co.
23. Fluid mechanics soviet research Scripta Publishing Co.
24. Fluid dynamics Plenum Publishing Corporation
25. Foundations of physics Plenum Publishing Corporation
26. Fuel. Butterworths Scientific Publications, 1948-
27. Foundry :: management and technology. Jack C.Miske
28. The Foundry trade journal. s.n.,
29. F & M :: Feinwerktechnik & Messtechnik : Carl Hanser Verlag, 1974-
30. Filtration & separation. Uplands Press, 1965-
31. Fertilizer international. British Sulphur Corp.,
32. Fuel processing technology Elsevier Science publishers B.V.
33. Food engineering. Chilton Co.,
34. Food technology. Food technology, etc.], 1947-
35. Food processing American Business Press,Inc.
36. Journal of food processing and preservation. Food & Nutrition Press.
37. Food biotechnology. Dekker, 1987-
38. Food and chemical toxicology / Pergamon Press, 1982-
39. Food chemistry. Applied Science Publishers.
40. Fungal Diversity:An International Journal of Mycology.=: 真菌的多样性 the Fungal Diversity Press,Kunming University of science & technology,P.R.China. 200?-
41. FTZ :: Fernmeldetechnische Zeitschrift. Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, c1948-54.
42. Numerical heat transfer.. Part B,. Fundamentals. Hemisphere Pub. Corp., [c1989-
43. Oil and gas international. Petroleum Pub. Co., 1910-
44. Technische Mitteilungen Krupp.: Forschungsberichte. Krupp [1962-1985]
45. Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society. Faraday Division, Chemical Society, 1972-
46. Faraday symposia of the Chemical Society. Chemical Society, Faraday Division [etc.], 1972-1984.
47. European journal of mechanics.. B,. Fluids. Gauthier-Villars, c1989-
48. Mass production Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1985.
49. Functional analysis and its applications. Consultants Bureau, 1967-
50. Fresenius :: Zeitschrift fur analytische Chemie / Springer, [19 ?].
51. Frequenz :: Zeitschrift fur Schwingungs-und Schwachstromtechnik Fachverlag Scheile und Schon GmbH, 1947-
52. The Futurist. World Future Society], 1967-
53. Futurics. Pergamon Press,
54. Funk Technik. Huthig und Pflaum Verlag, c1946-
55. Fuzzy sets and systems. North-Holland, c1978-
56. Farm chemicals. Meister Pub. Co., 1973]-
57. FBM. Fertigungs-Technologie Sprechsaal Publishing Group, 1988-
58. Farm mechanization. Farm Journals, c1949-67.
59. Fertilizer solutions
60. Flow line. Rockwell International Corp., c1942-
61. Fluid phase equilibria. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co.
62. The Journal of fluid control. Delbridge Pub. Co.,
63. Fluidics feedback. BHRA Fluid Engineering],
64. Fluid power international. Commercial Exhibitions & Publications, etc.], -1974.
65. Fluoride. International Society for Fluoride Research, 1970-
66. Fortschritte der Mineralogie. E. Schweizerbart, 1947-1988
67. Fonderie. Editions Techniques des Industries de la Fonder*
68. Fordern und Heben Vereinigte Fachverlage Krausskopf-Ingenieur Digest, 1951-.
69. Fordern und Heben Vereinigte Fachverlage Krausskopf-Ingenieur Digest, 1951-.
70. Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens.. Augsgabe B / VDI-Verlag, c1931-63.
71. Forest produts journal VDI-Verlag, c1931-63.
72. Forum Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1999.
73. The Foundryman. Institute of British Foundrymen, 1987-
74. Journal of the Chemical Society.: Faraday transactions I. Faraday Division of the Chemical Society, c1972-c1985.
75. Journal of the Chemical Society.. II,. Faraday transactions. Royal Society of Chemistry, c1986-c1989.
76. Index Chemicus Institute for Scientific Information.
77. Fluid abstracts.: Process engineering. Elsevier, c1991-
78. Fertilizer abstracts. Fertilizer Abstracts Service, National Fertilizer Development Center, Tennessee Valley Authority
79. Fueland energy abstracts.
80. Fuel abstracts and current titles. Published on behalf of the Institute of Fuel by IPC Science and Technology Press, c1960-77.
81. Rock Mechanics =: Felsmechanik = Springer, 1969-82
82. The Architectural forum. Billboard Publications, etc.], 1917-1974.