以"G"开头查询到 76 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. GMPI: 普通机械专利索引科技文献之运输,装箱 ,结构. Q1-Q4. Transport,Packaging,Construction= Derwent Publications Ltd.
2. GMPI: 普通机械专利索引科技文献之P4-P8:操作运算. P4-P8. Performing Operations,Optics= Derwent Publications Ltd.
3. G.E.C. journal of science and technology. General Electric Company Limited of England], 1962-1968.
4. GTE Automatic Electric technical journal. GTE Automatic Electric, 1971-1976.
5. GSE :: ground support equipment. Aerospace Publications Co., c1961-
6. GRAI: 政府报告年刊索引第一,二辑:关键词索引. Section 1,2. Keyword Index= The National Technical Information Service
7. GRAI: 政府报告年刊索引第三,四辑:作者索引. Section 3,4. Author Index= The National Technical Information Service
8. GRAI: 政府报告年刊索引第五,六辑:NTIS号及报告号索引. Section 5,6. NTIS Order/Grant Number Index= The National Technical Information Service
9. Geographical Abstracts Annual Index =: 地质文摘年刊索引 s.n.]
10. Gas & Liquid Chromatography Abstracts Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1970-85
11. Graphical Models and Image Processing Academic Press, 1996
12. Glass technology The Society, 1960-
13. Glas Email Keramo Thchnik s.n.]
14. GRAND STREET Grand Street Press
15. guide to soviet scientific-technical research journals Allerton Press,Inc., 1984
16. The Geological Society of America bulletin=: 美国地质学会通报 The Society, [1961-
17. Garden design Diame Turner
18. Geology.=: 地质学 Geological Society of America, 1973-
19. IEE proceedings.: Generation transmission and distribution / The Institution, c1994-
20. GSA today=: 美国社会地质学出版物 : The Society, c1991-
21. The Canadian surveyor. The Canadian Institute of Surveying and Mapping.
22. Ground water. Water Well Journal Pub. Co.,
23. Geotimes. American Geological Institute], 1956-
24. Genetics The Genetics societ of America
25. IEE proceedings.. C,. Generation, transmission, and distribution. Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-
26. Gas Warme international Vulkan-Verlag, 1967-
27. Gas world. Benn Brothers Ltd., 1974-
28. Geotechnique. [Published by Thomas Telford Ltd. for the] Institution of Civil Engineers,
29. Ground engineering. Foundation Publications.
30. Physical review.. A,. General physics. Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics, [c1970]-1989.
31. Journal of geotechnical engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
32. Gas journal. Walter King Ltd., c1917-72.
33. Gas-chrom newsletter. State College, Pa., Applied Science Laboratories,
34. Galvanotechnik :: Leiterplatten-Technik Eugen G. Leuze Verlag, 1959-
35. Gas world and gas & coke. Benn Bros., 1963-1965.
36. Green processing 2004 :: 2nd International Conference on the Sustainable Processing of Minerals, 10-12 May 2004, Fremantle, Weatern Australia. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, c2004.
37. Gas & Liquid Chromatography Abstracts Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1970-85
38. Gas chromatography abstracts. [Butterworth & Co.] ;
39. Gas abstracts
40. Gmelin handbuch der anorganischen chemie
41. Geological abstracts
42. Geomorphological abstracts. K. M. Clayton, 1960-1965.
43. Geophysical abstracts / Geological Survey : -1971.
44. Geoscience abstracts. American Geological Institute.
45. Geo abstracts.. A,. Landforms and the quaternary. University of East Anglia, 1972-1985.
46. Geographical abstracts.. A,. Geomorphology. K.M. Clayton], 1966-1971.
47. Government reports announcements and index K.M. Clayton], 1966-1971.
48. German patents abstracts. Derwent Publications, c1961-
49. Geophysical prospecting / The Association, 1953-
50. Geological journal. Liverpool Geological Society and Manchester Geological Association, 1964-
51. Geographical review of India. Geographical Society of India,
52. Geophysical research letters. American Geophysical Union, 1974-
53. Geoforum. Pergamon Press.
54. Geoexploration Elsevier Science Publishers, 1962-91.
55. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta. Pergamon Press, 1950-
56. General Electric review. General Electric Co.], 1907-1958.
57. The General radio experimenter. General Radio Co.],
58. Geological magazine. Cambridge University Press, 1864-
59. The Geophysical journal of the Royal Astronomical Society. Published for the Royal Astronomical Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications, -1987.
60. Geophysics / American Association of Petroleum Geologists, c1989.
61. Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics / Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, c1988.
62. Geologische Rundschau;: Zeitschrift fèur allgemeine Geologie. Ferdinand Enke Verlag [etc.], 1910-
63. Geometre. Maison du geometre,
64. Giesserei ;: Eitschrift Fur Das Gesamte Giessereiwesen. s.n.]
65. Giesserei. s.n.]
66. Glass. Memer of The Audit Bureat of Circulation.
67. Giesserei Forschung. s.n.]
68. Giesserei-Praxis. s.n.]
69. Gluckauf. s.n.]
70. Gluckauf Forschungshefte. s.n.]
71. Ground Water Monitoring Review. Water Well Journal Publishing Company.
72. Grinding and Finishing. The Exolon Company.
73. Gummi Asbest Kunststoffe. s.n.]
74. Gas turbine International london W.C
75. GMPI: 普通机械专利索引科技文献之P1-P3:人类必需品. P1-P3. Human Necessites= Derwent Publications Ltd.
76. GMPI: 普通机械专利索引科技文献之Q5-Q7:机械工程. Q5-Q7. Mechanical Engineering Derwent Publications Ltd.