以"I"开头查询到 373 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. IEEE transactions on electronic computers. Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., for the Professional Technical Group on Electronic Computers, c1963-c1968.
2. IIE Transactions :: Industrial Engineering Research and Development / The Institute, 1982-
3. International journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering. The Society, c1991-
4. IEE Proceedings.. Part A,. Physical sceence Measurement and Instrumentation Management and Education. The Institution.
5. IEE Proceedings.. Part D,. Control Theory and Applications. The Institution.
6. IEEE Proceedings.. Part E,. Computers and Digital Techniques. The Institution.
7. IEEE Proceedings.. Part F,. Communications,Radar and Signal Processing. The Institution.
8. IEEE Proceedings.. Part G,. Electronic Circuits and Systems. The Institution.
9. IMM abstracts Index The Institution Publication
10. International building services abstracts. Building Services Research and Information Association] 1978-
11. International Abstracts in Operations Reseach =: 国际文摘之操作研究 North-Holland
12. Imaging abstracts. Pergamon Press, c1988-
13. INIS atomindex =: INIS atomindeks. International Atomic Energy Agency, 1970-
14. ICP Information Newsletter Questron Corporation
15. Industrial Mathematics :: The Journal Of The Industrial Mathematics Society
16. Information Sciences :: An International Journal Elsevier 1968-
17. IEEE Expert Intelligent systems and their applications IEEE Computer Society, 1986-1997
18. IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1990-
19. IEE News Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1976-
20. Image understanding
21. IEEE transactions on Nuclear Science Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,Inc
22. IEEE transactions on Education
23. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
24. IEEE ASSP :: A Publication Of The IEEE Acoustics,Speech,And Signal Processing Society
25. IEEE Journal Of Oceanic Engineering
26. International journal of electronic Engineering Education s.n.]
27. IEEE signal processing magazine Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
28. Information age s.n.]
29. Proceedings - Institution of Civil Engineers: The Cbannel Tunnel:Part1:Tunnel Institution of Civil Engineers. [1963-
30. Proceedings - Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal enginner Institution of Civil Engineers. [1963-
31. Proceedings - Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport Institution of Civil Engineers. [1963-
32. IEEE Transactions on electrical insulation IEEE dielectrics and electrical insuation society.
33. IEEE transactions on automatic control cumulative index. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963-
34. IREE Monitor The Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers
35. International Construction Reed Business Publishing Group
36. International Journal of Parallel Programming=: 平面程序国际期刊 s.n.]
37. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,Inc.
38. Intelligent enterprise Miller Freeman Inc.
39. IBM journal of research and development International Business Machines Corp., 1957-
40. Index to IEEE publications. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1985.
41. International Directory of Ics & Discrete Semiconductors: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
42. Journal of intelligent information systems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1992-
43. International journal of computers and applications=: 计算机应用国际期刊 Acta Press, c1997-
44. Information systems security=: 信息系统安全 Auerbach Publications, c1992-
45. International shipbuilding progress International Periodical Press, 1954-
46. International Journal of Energy Environment and Economics Nova Science Publishers,Inc.
47. Interface integrated circuits :: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
48. IEEE publications Subject Index. Part Z. Magnetic Confinement Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1985.
49. INSPEC thesaurus. Institution of Electrical Engineers, [1972?-
50. International patent classification. 3452194132 (pbk. : set) World Intellectual Property Organization ; 1984.
51. IEEE publications Author Index Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1985.
52. Энергетические системы и электротехническое оборудование. переяод журнала. Издательство, 1964.
53. International organization for standardization International organization
54. International journal of applied glass science=: 国际应用玻璃科学杂志 American Ceramic Society, c2010-
55. Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
56. The Industrial robot.=: 工业机器人 International Fluidics Services, ltd., 1973-
57. International sugar journal. International Sugar Journal [etc.], 1899-
58. IEEE engineering management review. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
59. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing=: IEEE 地球科学与遥感会报 / The Institute 1980-
60. Journal of electronic materials.=: IEEE电子材料杂志 Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and IEEE [etc.],
61. IEEE transactions on magnetics.=: IEEE 磁学会报 Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for the Magnetics Group, c1965-
62. Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics. J. Wiley, 1972-
63. Electrochemical and solid-state letters.=: IEEE-ECS电化学与固体快报 The Society, 1998-
64. Industrial engineer =: 工业工程师: Institute of Industrial Engineers, c2003-
65. International journal of mineral processing=: 国际选矿杂志 Elsevier Science, 1974-
66. Industrial minerals=: 工业矿物. Metal Bulletin Plc., 1967-
67. International journal of systems science.=: 国际系统科学杂志 Taylor and Francis,
68. Industrial management.=: 工业管理 Industrial Management Society,
69. Information systems management.=: 信息系统管理 Auerbach, c1991-
70. International journal of mechanical sciences.=: 国际机械科学杂志 Pergamon Press, 1960-
71. The Electrochemical Society interface.=: 电化学协会界面杂志 The Society, c1993-
72. International journal of COMADEM. COMADEM International, 1998-
73. IEEE software. IEEE Computer Society, c1984-
74. IEEE design & test of computers Nancy Talbert
75. IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963-
76. Computer. IEEE Computer Society, 1970-
77. International materials reviews.=: 国际材料评论 Institute of Metals ; 1987-
78. IEEE computer graphics and applications. IEEE Computer Society , c1981-
79. IEEE design & test of computers / IEEE Computer Society, c1984-
80. IEEE transactions on industry applications. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers], 1972-
81. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1983-
82. IEEE transactions on power electronics. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1986-
83. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1964-
84. IEEE transactions on information theory / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-
85. IEEE transactions on engineering management / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-
86. IEEE photonics technology letters :: a publication of the IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1989-
87. IEEE sensors journal IEEE Sensors Council, c2001-
88. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. IEEE Computer Society.
89. IEEE communications magazine. Communications Society of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1979-
90. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery / The Society 1986-
91. IEEE transactions on robotics :: a publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c2004-
92. Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, [1963-
93. IEEE circuits and devices magazine. IEEE, [c1986].
94. IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1989-
95. IEEE transactions on neural networks / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1990-
96. IEEE pervasive computing / IEEE Computer Society, c2002-
97. Control systems magazine. Control Systems Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], c1981-c1984.
98. IEEE electron device letters=: IEEE电子器件快报: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1980-
99. IEEE journal of solid-state circuits. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1966-
100. IEEE communications letters. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1997-
101. IEEE micro Magazine. IEEE Computer Society, [c1981-
102. IEEE transactions on automatic control. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963-
103. IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine. The Society, [c1982-
104. IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems :: a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1982-
105. IEEE industry applications magazine. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1995-
106. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems.: a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.. 1,. Fundamental theory and applications : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1992-
107. IEEE/OSA Journal of lightwave technology :: a joint IEEE/OSA publication. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1983-
108. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems.: a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.. II,. Analog and digital signal processing : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1992-c2003.
109. IEEE transactions on communications. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1972-
110. IEEE network. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1987-
111. IEEE transactions on electron devices. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963-
112. IEEE transactions on software engineering. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1975-
113. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics / The Institute 1963 ; 1982-
114. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics.: a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society.. Part A,. Systems and humans : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., c1996-
115. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics.: a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society.. Part B,. Cybernetics : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., c1996-
116. IEEE transactions on signal processing :: a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1991-
117. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics.: a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society.. Part C,. Applications and reviews : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1998-
118. IEEE power & energy magazine. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. : c2003-
119. IEEE intelligent systems & their applications IEEE Computer Society, Publications Office, c1997-2000.
120. IEEE transactions on control systems technology :: a publication of the IEEE Control Systems Society Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1993-
121. IEEE transactions on vehicular technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.,
122. IT professional. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1999-
123. IEEE transactions on multimedia. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.,
124. IEEE internet computing. IEEE Computer Society Publications Office, c1997-
125. IEEE multimedia. IEEE Computer Society, c1994-
126. IEEE/ACM transactions on networking. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., and the Association for Computing Machinery, c1993-
127. IEEE spectrum. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1964-
128. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1985-
129. IEEE transactions on consumer electronics. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
130. IEEE transactions on robotics and automation :: a publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1989-2004.
131. IEEE transactions on power systems / The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1986-
132. IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation / The Electircal and Electronics Engineers , c
133. IEEE transactions on energy conversion Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1986-
134. IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics :: a joint publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1996-
135. IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine :: a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1997-
136. IEEE transactions on reliability / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-
137. IEEE antennas and propagation magazine / Instiute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1990-
138. IEEE Wireless Communications Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2002-
139. IEEE power engineering review. IEEE Power Engineering Society, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., c1981-
140. IEEE transactions on plasma science. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1973-
141. IEEE computer applications in power / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1988-
142. Information technology and libraries American Library Association
143. Information retrieval & library Automation Lomond Publications, Inc.,
144. International journal of mathematics and mathenatical sciences
145. International journal of fracture Sokyjpgg & Noordhoff International Publishers Alphen aan den Rijn.
146. International journal of thermopphysics Plenum Publishing Corporation
147. IEEE transactions on nanobioscience=: IEEE 纳米科学会刊 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c2002-
148. IEEE instrumentation & measurement magazine. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1998-
149. IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation :: a publication of the IEEE Neural Networks Council. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1997-
150. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1991-
151. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems :: A Publication of the IEEE Neural Networks Council The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 1993-
152. Industrial Design.=: 工业设计 工业设计杂志社 民国56年
153. Annual reports on the progress of chemistry.. Section A,. Inorganic chemistry. Royal Society of Chemistry, c1980-
154. IEEE transactions on nanotechnology=: IEEE纳米技术汇刊 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c2002-
155. Journal of the Chemical Society.: Dalton transactions. Royal Society of Chemistry, 1972-c1999
156. Chemische Berichte. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. [etc.], 1947-1996.
157. International journal of quantum chemistry John Wiley & Sons
158. International journal of quantum chemistry John Wiley & Sons
159. IEE proceedings.. B,. Electric power applications. Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-1993.
160. IEE proceeding.: Circuits, devices and systems / The Institution, c1994-
161. IEE proceedings.: Computers and digital techniques. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994-
162. IEE proceedings.: Communications. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994-
163. IEE proceedings.: Control theory and applications Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1994-
164. IEE proceedings.: Vision, image, and signal processing Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1994-
165. IEE proceedings.: Generation transmission and distribution / The Institution, c1994-
166. IEE proceedings.: Science, measurement and technology. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994-
167. IEE proceedings.: Microwaves, antennas, and propagation. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994-
168. IEE proceedings.: Nanobiotechnology. Institution of Electrical Engineers, c2003-
169. IEE proceedings.: Software. Institution of Electrical Engineers,
170. IEE proceedings.: Optoelectronics. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994-
171. IEE proceeding.: Radar, sonar and narigation / The Institution, c1994-
172. Power engineer Institution of Electrical Engineers, c2003-
173. International journal of chemical kinetics. Wiley, 1969-
174. Ion-selective electrode reviews. Pergamon, 1979-1987.
175. Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1954-
176. Inorganic chemistry. American Chemical Society, 1962-
177. Science in China=: 中国科学 F辑信息科学. Series F ,. Information sciences / Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2001-
178. International laboratory. International Scientific Communications, c1971-
179. Implement & tractor Bill fogarty,
180. Chemistry international. Blackwell Scientific Publications [etc.], 1979-
181. The Radio and electronic engineer. Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers, 1963-1984.
182. Industrial pollution control symposium The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
183. Industrial research and development. Technical Publishing, c1978-83.
184. The International journal of pressure vesseles and piping. Applied Science Publishers, [c1973-
185. International journal for numerical methods in engineering. Wiley [etc.], 1969-
186. International journal of environmental analytical chemistry. Gordon and Breach, 1971-
187. Water and environmental management. The Institution, 1987-
188. International journal of energy research. Wiley-Interscience.
189. IEE proceedings.. C,. Generation, transmission, and distribution. Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-
190. International water power & dam construction. Reed Business Pub., etc.]
191. International journal of heat and mass transfer. Pergamon Press, 1960-
192. IEEE transactions on power apparatus and systems / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-c1985.
193. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1971-1995.
194. Insulation /circuits. Lake Publishing Corp., c1955-70.
195. IEEE transactions on industrial electronics and control instrumentation. Professional Technical Group in Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, c1964-c1981.
196. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1971-1995.
197. IEEE transactions on computers. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1968-
198. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. IEEE Circuits and Systems Society], 1974-1991.
199. International journal of electronics. Taylor & Francis, 1965-
200. Information and control. Academic Press, 1957-1986.
201. International journal of control. Taylor and Francis,
202. Information executive Data Processing Management Association, 1989-
203. Information and software technology. Butterworths, c1987-
204. ISIJ international / the Institute, 1989-
205. Metals and materials. Metals Society, 1967-1981.
206. The British foundryman. Institute of British Foundrymen, 1957-1987.
207. Industrial finishing Hitchcock Publishing Co., 1924-93.
208. Industrial lubrication and tribology. Peterson Pub. Co.,
209. International journal of machine tools & manufacture. Pergamon, 1987-
210. Chilton's I & C S :: the industrial and process control magazine. Chilton, 1983-1992.
211. Measurement and control. Institute of Measurement and Control], 1968-
212. International chemical engineering. American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
213. Industrial & engineering chemistry process design and development. American Chemical Society, 1962-1986.
214. Industrial & engineering chemistry product research and development. American Chemical Society, c1978-c1986.
215. ITE journal. Institute of Transportation Engineers.
216. International journal of vehicle design Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.UK
217. International journal of vehical design / Inderse Enterprises Ltd., 1979-
218. Interavia. Interavia], 1946-1992.
219. Industrial and engineering chemistry . fundamentals. American Chemical Society], 1962-1986.
220. The chemical engineer. Institution of Chemical Engineers.
221. Food technology. Food technology, etc.], 1947-
222. Proceedings - Institution of Civil Engineers. Institution of Civil Engineers. [1963-
223. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.: Civil engineering. Published for the Institution of Civil Engineers by Thomas Telford Services, c1992-
224. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Published for the Institution of Civil
225. International journal of applied ceramic technology.=: 国际应用陶瓷技术杂志 American Ceramic Society, c2004-
226. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences=: 国际岩石力学与采矿科学杂志 Pergamon 1997-
227. Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings.=: 科技会议录索引 Institute for Scientific Information Inc, 1978-
228. International journal of multiphase flow. Pergamon Press, 1973-
229. International journal of non-linear mechanics. Pergamon Press, 1966-
230. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. J. Wiley, c1977-
231. International journal for numerical methods in fluids. Wiley, c1981-
232. Indian journal of chemistry. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, in association with Indian National Science Academy, -c1975.
233. Indian journal of physics and proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1926-1976.
234. International journal of powder metallurgy and powder technology / The Institute, c1974-85
235. IEEE Proceedings. The Institution.
236. Il Nuovo cimento. Societáa italiana di fisica,
237. Occupational health & safety. Medical Publications,
238. IRE transactions on audio. Institute of Radio Engineers], 1955-1962.
239. IRE transactions on aerospace and navigational electronics. Professional Group on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1961-c1962.
240. IRE transactions on antennas and propagation. Institute of Radio Engineers], 1955-1962.
241. IEEE transactions on audio. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1963-1965.
242. IRE transactions on broadcast and television receivers. Institute of Radio Engineers], 1955-1962.
243. IEEE transactions on circuit theory / The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-73.
244. IRE transactions on education. Professional Group on Education, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1958-c1962.
245. IRE transactions on electronic computers. The Institute of Radio Engineers,
246. IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1964-
247. IRE transactions on engineering writing and speech. Institute of Radio Engineers, 1958-1962.
248. IEEE transactions on geoscience electronics / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-c1979.
249. IRE transactions on instrumentation. Institute of Radio Engineers], 1955-1962.
250. IEEE transactions on industry and general applications / The Institute, c1965-71.
251. IRE transactions on information theory. Professional Group on Information, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1955-c1962.
252. IRE convention record / The Institute, c1953-56.
253. IEEE transactions on manufacturing technology :: a publication of the IEEE Manufacturing Technology Group. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
254. IEEE transactions on military electronics / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-c1965.
255. IRE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1955-c1963.
256. IRE transactions on nuclear science. Professional Group on Nuclear Science, c1955-c1962.
257. IEEE transactions on parts, materials, and packaging. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1965-c1970.
258. IRE transactions on product engineering and production. Professional Group on Product Engineering and Production, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1961-c1962.
259. IEEE journal of quantum electronics. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1965-
260. IRE transactions on reliability and quality control. Professional Group on Reliability and Quality Control,[Institute of Radio Engineers], c1955-c1962.
261. IRE transactions on space electronics and telemetry. Professional Group on Space Electronics and Telemetry, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1959-c1962.
262. IEEE transactions on sonics and ultrasonics. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1964-c1985.
263. IEEE transactions on communication technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1964-1971.
264. InTech. Instrument Society of America]
265. Transactions.. Section B,. Applied earth science / The Institution,
266. Transactions.. Section C,. Mineral processing & extractive metallurgy / The Institution,
267. ISA transactions Instrument Society of America, 1962-
268. ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing . Elsevier, c1989-
269. International journal of human-computer studies. Academic Press, c1994-
270. International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes. Elsevier, c1983-1998.
271. International journal of fatigue Sokyjpgg & Noordhoff International Publishers Alphen aan den Rijn.
272. International journal of engineering science J. Wiley, 1972-
273. Ima journal of applied mathematics Wiley [etc.], 1969-
274. Ironmaking & Steelmaking :: An International Journal of Technological Advance in the Production of Iron and Steel the Metals Society, 1974-
275. International geology review. V.H. Winston & Sons, 1959-
276. International hydrographic bulletin. International Hydrographic Bureau,
277. International journal of chemical kinetics. Wiley, 1969-
278. International journal of computer mathematics. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1964-
279. Interface integrated circuit D.A.T.A. book. D.A.T.A., Inc., c1978-
280. Integral equations and operator theory. Birkhèauser, 1978-
281. International cast metals journal. American Foundrymen's Society [1976-
282. International defense review. Interavia S.A., 1968-c1995.
283. International copper information bulletin American Foundrymen's Society [1976-
284. Instruments and experimental techniques. Consultants Bureau [etc.], 1959-
285. Interfaces. Institute of Management Sciences, 1971-
286. Institute of Environmental Sciences: Proceedings, 1999. Institute of environmental sciences and technology, c1999.
287. Instrument and apparatus news :: IAN. Instrument Publishing Co., c1963-83.
288. Instrument practice. United Trade Press, 1946-1970.
289. Instrument and control engineering. Tothill Pr.],
290. Instrument review :: instruments, electronics, automation. Morgan Brothers,
291. Instrumentation Morgan Brothers,
292. Instruments and automation. Instruments Pub. Co.], 1954-1959.
293. Indian journal of pure and applied physics. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, c1963-
294. Industrial and engineering chemistry. American Chemical Society, 1929-1946.
295. IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1974-1990.
296. Industrial Engineering American Institute of Industrial Engineers, 1978.
297. International journal of theoretical physics. Plenum Press, 1968-
298. International and mining standard IFS Ltd., 1982.
299. Industrial diamond review. [s.n.,
300. Industrial gas. Robbins Publishing Co.], 1923-1973.
301. Industrial heating. National Industrial Pub. Co.]
302. Industrial quality control / Prentice-Hall, c1978.
303. Industrial water and wastes / Prentice-Hall, c1978.
304. Information processing & management. Pergamon Press, 1975-
305. Ingenieur-Archiv. Springer-Verlag, 1929-1990.
306. Infrared physics. Pergamon Press , 1961-1993.
307. IC master :: integrated circuits magazine / Hearst Business Communications, c1993.
308. International mining equipment/ The Institution of mining and metallurgy engineers
309. International journal of radiation applicatins and instrumentation.. Part C,. Radiation physics and Chemistry. Pergamon Press, 1986-
310. Inorganica chimica acta. Elsevier Sequoia [etc.], 1967-
311. Origin and distribution of the elements / 0080128351 Pergamon, 1968.
312. Indian foundry journal University of Chicago Press, 1970.
313. Illuminating engineering: the impact of change / University of Chicago Press, 1970.
314. Ice Harmony Books, 1986.
315. ISA Proceedings.
316. International journal of remote sensing. Taylor & Francis, c1980-
317. International journal of production research. Institution of Production Engineers, [1961-
318. International journal of solids and structures. Pergamon Press, 1965-
319. International journal of refractory and hard metals / MPR Publishing Services Ltd., c1982-88.
320. International journal of thermophysics. Plenum Press, c1980-
321. The Mining engineer. Institution of Mining Engineers,c
322. International oil and gas development :: review. International Oil Scouts Association, 1959-
323. International tin IFS Ltd., 1982.
324. Inventiones mathematicae. Springer-Verlag, 1966-
325. Ion exchange and membranes. Gordon and Breach, 1972-
326. Iron age. David Williams, -1976.
327. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference :: proceedings / IEEE, 1990.
328. Iron age metalworking international. Chilton Co., c1962-77.
329. The Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. The Institution, 1949-1979.
330. Iron and steel / Published for the Royal Statistical Society and the Social Science Research Council by Pergamon Press, 1984.
331. Proceedings of the IRE. Institute of Radio Engineers, c1939-1962.
332. Ironmaking conference proceedings / The Society, c1963-
333. P.B. reports index. United States department of commerce,
334. Iron and steel engineer. Association of Iron and Steel Engineers, etc.], 1924-
335. Isotopes and radiation technology. Atomic Energy Commission], 1963-1972.
336. Iron & steelmaker. The Society, 1980-
337. The institute of sewage purification The Institute, 1981-
338. Introduction to plasma physics / Institute of Physics Pub., c1995.
339. Transactions and proceedings of the Institution of the Rubber Industry. The Institution, c1925-
340. The Journal of industrial engineering. American Institute of Industrial Engineers]
341. Information and decision technologies. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., c1988-
342. Iapis industrial opportunities. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., c1988-
343. Journal of the Chemical Society.: Dalton transactions. Royal Society of Chemistry, 1972-c1999
344. The Journal of the British Institution of Radio Engineers. British Institution of Radio Engineers, 1940-1962.
345. Automobile Engineer. Iliffe Industrial Publications Ltd., 1910-72.
346. Archive of applied mechanics: Ingenieur-Archiv Springer-Verlag, 1991-
347. Advances in mathenatics. Springer-Verlag, 1991-
348. Instruments :: repair, overhaul, testing, and calibration of aircraft and aero-engine instruments; adjustment, installation, and compensation of compasses in aircraft; category "X" licence / Pitman, 1944.
349. Water pollution control. Institute of Water Pollution Control, 1967-
350. Engineering cybernetics. Scripta Pub. Co.,
351. Index Chemicus Institute for Scientific Information.
352. RAIRO.: RAIRO. Theoretical computer science.: Informatique th?eorique = Dunod, 1977-1985.
353. IMM abstracts. The Institution, 1950-
354. Instrument abstracts. Taylor & Francis,
355. International building services abstracts. Building Services Research and Information Association] 1978-
356. International petroleum abstracts. Wiley, etc.]
357. RAIRO.: Theoretical informatics and applications.: Informatique theorique et applications = Dunod, c1986-
358. Microbiology abstracts. /. Section A,. Industrial and applied microbiology / Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, 1972-
359. Index of patents, 1969.: Part II,Index to Subjects of Invention Issued From The United States Patent Ofice= U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978.
360. P.B. reports index. United States department of commerce,
361. Image processing system software programming manual Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
362. Image processing system software User's manual Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
363. IEEE Proceedings.. Part J,. Special Issue on Semiconductor Injection Lasers / The Institution.
364. IEEE Personal Communications. s.n.]
365. ISA Journal. Instrument Society of America..
366. International Journal of Polymeric Materials. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Ltd.
367. IEE proceedings.. I,. Solid-state and electron devices. Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-1988.
368. IEE proceedings.. H,. Microwaves, antennas, and propagation. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1985-1993.
369. IEE proceedings.. G,. Circuits, devices and systems Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1989-
370. INFOR. INFOR Journa, 1971-
371. Industrie minerale :: revue de la Societede l'industrie minerale. La Societe,
372. ITT Electrical Communication International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, 1961
373. Interior design HIGHLANDS RANCH CO