以"M"开头查询到 248 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Man-made Textiles Old Colony House
2. Metallurgia and metal forming. Fuel and Metallurgical Journals. 1971-1977.
3. Mining & Chemical Engineering Review s.n.]
4. Monthly catalog of united states government publications cumulative index. Hearst Business Communications,
5. Microbiology Abstracts: 微生物学文摘细菌学年刊主题及作者索引: B Bacterioligy Annual Subject & Author Index = Information Retrieval Ltd
6. Multiple Input Excitation Methods Experimental/Analytical Model Correlation
7. Marine Geotechnology Taylor and Francis
8. Mechanics of Materials Elsevier,Amsterdam
9. Materials chemistry and physics. Elsevier Sequoia S.A. ; 1983-
10. Management review. American Management Association, c1926-c2000.
11. Management Decision MCB University Press Limited
12. Monthly Bulletin Of Statistics/Bulletin Mensuel De Statistique United States Of America
13. Modern power systems Wilmington publishing Ltd
14. Magazine Of Fantasy&Science Fiction s.n.]
15. Molecular Immunology s.n.]
16. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing s.n.]
17. Metal Stamping PMA Services Inc
18. Metallography :: An International Journal on Meterials Structure and Behavior Elsevier Science Publishing Co.Inc
19. Metals and Materials The Institute of Metals
20. Molecular Biology Reports :: An International Journal On Molecular And Cellular Biology Netherlands
21. more basic facts about china/ china reconstructs supplemnet, 1976.
22. medical care for china's millions/ reconstructs supplement, 1978.
23. Miltronics. International Trade Publications, etc.]
24. Mini-Micro Software A.P.Publications Ltd.
25. Motion system design :: MSD. Penton Media, c2001-
26. Microwave :: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
27. Materials and structures :: Materiaux et constructions. International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures.
28. Micrcomputer Systems=: 微机系统: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A. Business Publishing
29. Microprocessor Integrated Circuits: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A. Business Publishing
30. Memory Integrated Circuit :: D.A.T.A. book D.A.T.A. Business Publishing
31. Metalworking Digest
32. Metal Treating Member Of Busineer Publications audit Of Circulation,INc
33. Metalworking news. Fairchild Publications, c1987-
34. European journal of mineralogy. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (N?gele u. Obermiller), c1989-
35. materials business information
36. Materials science and engineering C.=: 材料科学与工程,C辑:仿生材料、传感器和系统. C,. Biomimentic materials,sensorsand systems Elsevier sequoia S.A c1988
37. Materials letters=: 材料快报 Elsevier.
38. Materials Today=: 当今材料 , -
39. Materials Science and Technology =: 材料科学与技术: The Institute, 1985-
40. Journal of materials in civil engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, Materials Engineering Division, [c1989-
41. Materials characterization.=: 材料特性 Elsevier, c1990-
42. Metallurgical and materials transactions=.: 冶金学与材料学会刊A辑:物理冶金学与材~ 料科~学,. A. Physical metallurgy and materials science. Minerals, Metals & Materials Society ; c1994-
43. Machinery.=: 机械 The Industrial Press, 1959
44. Materials research innovations.=: 材料研究创新 Matrice Technology Ltd., 1997-
45. Materials world =: 材料世界: IOM Communications Ltd for The Institute of Materials,Minerals&Mining, 1993-
46. Marketing research=: 营销研究: American Marketing Association,USA 1989-
47. Machine design.=: 机械设计 Penton/IPC, etc.], 1929-
48. Materials performance.=: 材料性能 National Association of Corrosion Engineers, c1974-
49. Materials science & engineering A=: 材料科学与工程,A辑:结构材料. A,. Structural materials : Elsevier Science,S.A, c1967-
50. Molecular biotechnology. Humana Press, c1994-
51. The Modern language review. Modern Humanities Research Association [etc.], 1905-
52. Mechanical engineering :: the journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers= The American Society of mechanical engineers, 1919-
53. The Modern law review. Published for the Modern Law Review Ltd. by Basil Blackwell Ltd., [etc.], 1937-
54. Multicultural perspectives:: an official publication of the National Association for Multicultural Education. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., c1999-
55. Tooling and Production :: The Magazine of Metalworking Manufacturing.= Huebner Publications Inc., 1951-
56. Mineralogical magazine.=: 矿物学杂志 Mineralogical Society, 1876-
57. Journal of materials science.: 材料科学杂志:电子材料: Materials in electronics.= Chapman and Hall, 1990-
58. Materials & design.= Scientific and Technical Press, c1982-
59. Management science=: 管理科学 : The Institute, 1954-
60. Mining engineering.=: 采矿工程 Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, etc.], 1949-
61. MQR =: 矿 山、采石与循环: Herald House Ltd., c2000-
62. Metallurgical and materials transactions=: 冶金学与材料汇刊B辑:生产冶金学与材料处理~ 科学 . B,. Process metallurgy and materials Processing science. The Mineral, Metals & Materials Society, c1994-
63. Modern Casting.=: 现代铸造 American Foundrymen's Society, 1966-
64. Manufacturing engineering.=: 制造工程 Society of Manufacturing Engineers]
65. Minerals Engineering.: An international journal devoted to innovation and developments in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy.= Elsevier Science,UK, 1987-
66. IEEE micro Magazine. IEEE Computer Society, [c1981-
67. IEEE multimedia. IEEE Computer Society, c1994-
68. IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics :: a joint publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1996-
69. Mathematische semesterberichte
70. Mathematika a journal of pure and applied mathematics The Department of University College London
71. Mathematical methods in the applied sciences B.G.Teubner Stuttgart John Wiley & Sons.Ltd.
72. MATEMATичECкйй Cборник огделеяие математякн
73. Mathematics Magazine
74. Mathematical modelling in science and technology A.Wheaton & Co.Ltd.Exeter
75. Mathematics of computation American Mathematical Society
76. Mathemetics and computersin simulation IMACS/Eisevier Science Publishers B.V.
77. MEXAHиKAжидKOCTиигA3A A йадательетво
78. MEXAHиKA TBEPдOгO TEлA иалательство
79. Mechanics research communications Elsevier Science Inc.
80. Meccanica Pitagors Editrice S.T.I.Bologna
81. Mechanics of structures and machines The University of Iowa Iowa City,LA
82. Transactions of the institution of Mining and Metallurgy.: 采矿与冶金学会汇刊,A辑:采矿技术 . Section A,. Mining Technology = The Institution
83. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers=: 机械工程师学会会报;B辑~ :工程制造杂志. Pt.B,. Management and engineering manufacture. Mechanical Engineering Publications], 1983-
84. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.: 机械工程师学会会报;L辑:材料杂志-设计与实用. Proceedings part L,. Journal of materials: design and applications.= Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Professional Engineering Publishing, c1999-
85. IEE proceedings.: Microwaves, antennas, and propagation. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994-
86. Metallurgia.=: 冶金 Fuel and Metallurgical Journals], 1978-
87. Macromolecules. American Chemical Society, 1968-
88. Microchemical journal. Academic Press, 1957-
89. : Mass spectroscopy. Nihon Shitsuryo Bunseki Gakkai, 1953-1992.
91. Materials engineering. Reinhold Pub. Corp., c1967-
92. D.A.T.A. digest.: Memory. D.A.T.A. Business Publishing, c1988-
93. Microprocessors and microsystems. IPC Science and Technology Press], 1978-
94. Metallurgical transactions.. A,. Physical metallurgy and materials science. Metallurgical Society of AIME ; [1975-1993]
95. Metals technology T.l.hoghes
96. Metal science Metals society.
97. Metals and materials. Metals Society, 1967-1981.
98. Machine and tool blue book. Hitchcock Pub. Co.]
100. Mechanism and machine theory. Pergamon Press, c1972-
101. Maschine und Werkzeug Media-Mail, c1939-
102. Machine outil produire. SOFETEC, 1984]-1992.
103. Motortechnische Zeitschrift: MTZ
104. Measurement and control. Institute of Measurement and Control], 1968-
105. Measurement. Published for IMEKO by the Institute of Measurement and Control, c1983-
106. Microtecnic. Agifa S.A. [etc.]
107. Modern railroads. Cahners Pub. Co., c1982-1991]
108. Modern paint and coatings. Palmerton Pub. Co.], 1975-
109. ACI materials journal. American Concrete Institute, [c1987-
110. Magazine of concrete research. Cement and Concrete Association.
111. Materials and structures Paris
112. Metals abstracts.=: 金属文摘 Metals Abstracts Trust,
113. Metals Abstracts Index Annual=: 金属文摘年度索引: annual index American Society for Metals, 1968-
114. Metals Abstracts index =: 金属文摘索引: index American Society for Metals, 1968-
115. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London.. Series A,. Containing papers of a mathematical and physical character. Harrison and Son, [1905-1990].
116. Proceedings.. Series A,. Mathematical sciences / North-Holland Pub. Co., 1951-1967.
117. The journal of physical chemistry.. A,. Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory. American Chemical Society, c1997-
118. Materials science and engineering R: 材料科学与工程R辑报告. R,. Reports.= Elsevier Sequoia, c1993-
119. Materials science and engineering B: 材料科学与工程B辑,先进技术所需国体材料. B,. Solid-state Materials for advanced Technology= Elsevier Sepuoia S. A., c1988-
120. The Moon and the planets. D. Reidel Pub. Co., 1978-1983.
121. Monatshefte f?r Chemie. Springer-Verlag, 1968-
122. Multimedia tools and applications. Kluwer Academic, 1995-.
123. Materials transactions, JIM. Japan Institute of Metals, 1989-2000.
124. IEEE transactions on manufacturing technology :: a publication of the IEEE Manufacturing Technology Group. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
125. IEEE transactions on military electronics / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-c1965.
126. IRE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1955-c1963.
127. Transactions.. Section C,. Mineral processing & extractive metallurgy / The Institution,
128. Microprocessing and microprogramming. North-Holland Pub. Co., 1981-1996.
129. Mikrochimica acta. Springer-Verlag, 1966-
130. Military engineer. Society of American Military Engineers]
131. Mine and quarry / Herald House Ltd., 1960-
132. Mine & quarry engineering. Tothill Press, 1964.
133. Mineralium deposita. Springer-Verlag, 1966-
134. Mines. Revue bimestrielle, 1966.
135. Mines et metallurgie. s.n.], 1959.
136. Mathematical geology s.n.], 1990.
137. Mathematische Annalen . Springer Verlag, 1957-.
138. The Mathematics teacher. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1908-
139. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.. Ser.A,. Mathematical and physical sciences. The Society,
140. Modern metals. Modern Metals Pub. Co.], 1945-
141. Modern packaging. Morgan-Grampian Pub. Co., etc.]
142. Modern plastics. Breskin & Charleton Pub. Corp., 1934-2004.
143. Modern power and engineering. Maclean-Hunter Publication Co. Ltd.
144. Molecular crystals and liquid crystals. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1969-1987.
145. Modern castings. American Foundrymen's Society]
146. Modern machine shop. Gardner Publications, inc.]
147. Modern materials handling. Cahners Pub. Co., etc.]
148. Microprocessor integrated circuits.: D.A.T.A.book D.A.T.A., Inc.,
149. Mining magazine. Mining journal Ltd. 1909-
150. Mining technology. American institute of mining and metallurgical engineers, 1937-
151. Mining technology :: journal of the association of mining electrical & mechanical engineers. Peter Sharples Proudlove Ltd, 1972-
152. Mining journal :: annual review. Mining Journal ltd, 1908-
153. Mining world. Miller Freeman Publications, -1973.
154. Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. Institute of Physics Pub., c1992-
155. Missiles and rockets. American Aviation Publications], 1956-1966.
156. Mining journal. Mining Journal ltd, 1908-
157. Journal of materials shaping technology / Springer International, c1987-
158. Mining Congress Journal American Mining Congress, 1915-82
159. The Mining electrical & mechanical engineer. AMEME, etc.]
160. Journal of materials science.: Materials in medicine. Chapman and Hall, c1990-
161. The Mining engineer. Institution of Mining Engineers,c
162. Journal of manufacturing systems. Society of Manufacturing Engineers/Computer and Automated Systems Association of SME, c1982-
163. Colloquium on molecular kinesis in cellular function and plasticity / National Academy of Sciences, c2002.
164. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.. Part C,. Mechanical engineering science. Mechanical Engineering Publications], 1983-1988.
165. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.: Mathematical and physical sciences. Cambridge Philosophical Society [etc.], 1843-1974.
166. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen.. Series A,. Mathematical sciences / North-Holland Pub. Co., 1967-1989.
167. Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. Plenum Pub. Corp.], 1969-1985.
168. Measurement science & technology. IOP Pub., c1990-
169. Mathematische zeitschrift. J. Springer, 1918-
170. Mechanical world and engineering record. [Emmott and Co., -c1964]
171. Mechanical Handing [Emmott and Co., -c1964]
172. Mechanix illustrated. CBS Publications, 1938-1984.
173. Metal finishing.=: 金属精饰 Metals and Plastics Publications, etc.], 1903-
174. Materials forum. Pergamon Press, c1986-
175. Metal powder report=: 金属粉末报告. Powder Metallurgy Ltd, MPR Publishing Services Ltd.
176. Metal Mining & Processing. Powder Metallurgy Ltd.
177. Metal industry. Iliffe Publications, ltd.,
178. Metal finishing plant and processes. Finishing Publications ltd. [1969-1986]
179. Metal progress. American Society for Metals, etc.], 1930-1986.
180. Metall Fuel and Metallurgical Journals], 1978-
181. Metalcaster American Foundrymen's Society, 1972.
182. Metallurgia the journal of metals technology,metal forming & thermal processing American Foundrymen's Society, 1972.
183. Metalloberflache. Carl Hauser Verlag,
184. Metallurgical review of mmij. Carl Hauser Verlag,
185. MPT Metallurgical plant and technology international. Verlag Stahleisen m.b. H.],
186. Metals engineering quarterly.
187. Metals patents bulletin.
188. Metalworking production. Morgan-Grampian Publishers, Ltd., 1955-
189. Metaux corrosion-industrie Editions Metaux, c1951-
190. Microcomputer applications / McGraw-Hill, c1989.
191. Microelectronics journal. Mackintosh Publications], 1974-
192. Die Makromolekulare Chemie. K. Alber ; 1947-1993.
193. Magnetic resonance imaging. Pergamon Press, c1982-
194. Manufacturing chemist and aerosol news. Morgan-Grampian Ltd., etc.]
195. Manufacturing chemist and aerosol news. Morgan-Grampian Ltd., etc.]
196. Machinery lioyd and electrical engineering. Morgan-Grampian Ltd., etc.]
197. Machines francaises Prentice-Hall, c1969.
198. Magnetic resonance in chemistry :: MRC. Wiley Heyden, c1985-
199. Marine chemistry. Elsevier [etc.]
200. Marine geology. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1964-
201. Materialprufung =: Materials testing / VDI-Verlag, c1959-
202. Mass spectrometry reviews. John Wiley & Sons, [c1982-
203. Mass production Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1985.
204. Mathematical and computer modelling. Pergamon Press, c1988-
205. Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1975-
206. Mathematics and computers in simulation. North Holland Pub. Co., 1977-
207. Mathematical Reviews. Pergamon Press, c1988-
208. Machine shop and metalworking Business Publications. c1971-
209. Machine shop magazine Business Publications. c1971-
210. Machine Tool Review Alfred Herbert Ltd., 1913-80
211. Meccanica. Kluwer, etc., 1966-
212. Metal construction. Welding Institute]
213. Messen & prufen. B-Quadrat Verlags GmbH. c1993-
214. Journal of the Chemical Society.. II,. Faraday transactions. Royal Society of Chemistry, c1986-c1989.
215. Applied scientific research.. Series A,. Mechanics, heat, chemical engineering, mathematical methods. Martinus Nijhoff, 1952-1966.
216. Werkstoffe und Korrosion =: materials and corrosion. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.], 1950-
217. Wire and wire products. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.], 1950-
218. Messtechnik. F. Vieweg., 1968-1974.
219. Mathematical reviews Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
220. Metallurgical abstracts :: (general and non-ferrous) / The Institute of Metals,
221. Metallurgical patents journal Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
222. Meteorological & geoastrophysical abstracts Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
223. Metal finishing abstracts. R. Draper, 1959-1985.
224. Metalforming technology ASM international, c19??-
225. Metalforming Digest American Society for Metals, Technical Divisions and Activities, 1972-94
226. Monthly catalog of united states government publications Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
227. Microbiology abstracts. /. Section A,. Industrial and applied microbiology / Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, 1972-
228. Surface treatment technology abstracts. Finishing Publications, [1986-
229. Rock Mechanics =: Felsmechanik = Springer, 1969-82
230. Measurement and control of respirable dust in mines Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
231. Metal metallurgy. Metal Information Bureau,
232. Mines magazine. Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association], 1932-
233. Mini-micro systems. Cahners Pub. Co., etc.], 1976-1989.
234. Mining and metallurgy / The Institute, c1920-c1948.
235. Mineralogical abstracts. Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Mineralogical Society of America, 1920-
236. The Architectural forum. Billboard Publications, etc.], 1917-1974.
237. IEE proceedings.. H,. Microwaves, antennas, and propagation. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1985-1993.
238. Mass spectrometry bulletin. Mass spectrometry data centre
239. Mathematics of Operations Research. The Institute of Management Sciences.
240. Molecular physics Taylor & Francis Ltd., n.d.
241. Mathematical Programming The Mathematical Programming Society,Inc
242. Mathematica Japonicae. Meiwa Shoin, 1948-2000.
243. Mining Equipment News Middlesboro, 1958
244. Metals Heywood-temple Industrial Publications Ltd, 1966
245. Canadian metallurgical quarterly=: 加拿大冶金季刊. Pergamon Press.
246. Metal forming.=: 金属成型 Published for the Precision Metalforming Association by PMA Sevrices, Inc., c1988-
247. Power. McGraw-Hill, 1911-
248. Motor trend=: 内燃机轨道车