以"N"开头查询到 80 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. de Gruyter, 1976-
2. Nickel Berichte s.n.]
3. Newnes Pratical Mechanics C.Arthur Pearson Ltd
4. New Technology s.n.]
5. Nuclear science abstracts Five-Year Cumulative =: 原子科学文摘五年累积索引主题索引/ Oak Ridge Directed Operations, Technical Information Division, 1948-1976.
6. Nuclear science abstracts Five-Year Cumulative Index =: 原子科学文摘五年累积索引作者索引/ Oak Ridge Directed Operations, Technical Information Division, 1948-1976.
7. Nuclear science abstracts Cumulative Report Number Index =: 原子科学文摘报告号码累积索引/ Oak Ridge Directed Operations, Technical Information Division, 1948-1976.
8. Noise & vibration worldwide. Trade & Technical Press], 1980-
9. Noise and vibration control=: 噪声与振动控制 The Trade and Press Ltd.
10. NEUE Technik Diagonal Verlag AG
11. New Generation Computing:An Internation Journal On Fifth Generation Computers=: 新一代计算:第五代计算机国际期刊 Springer-Verlag
12. New civil engneer international Emap construct ltd,
13. Nature.=: 自然 Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.], 1869-
14. Natural hazards review. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000-
15. IEEE transactions on neural networks / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1990-
16. IEEE network. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1987-
17. IEEE/ACM transactions on networking. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., and the Association for Computing Machinery, c1993-
18. NDT & E international :: independent nondestructive testing and evaluation. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991-
19. Needed research in American dialects Duke University
20. Numerical analysis Berlin Heidelberg
21. Numerische mathemastik Optimization Software Inc.
22. IEE proceedings.: Nanobiotechnology. Institution of Electrical Engineers, c2003-
23. International journal for numerical methods in engineering. Wiley [etc.], 1969-
24. NDT international. Butterworth Scientific Ltd., etc.], 1976-
25. Noise control engineering journal. Institute of Noise Control Engineering, c1982-
26. Nitrogen The British sulphur corporation Limited
27. PIMA's North American papermaker. Paper Industry Management Association, c1996-
28. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics. J. Wiley, c1977-
29. Natural resources forum. Butterworths, 1976-
30. The National geographical journal of India. National Geographical Society of India, 1955-
31. Natural and synthetic fibers literature service. Information for Industry [etc.], 1944-1966
32. Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift :: NTZ Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, [1955-
33. Nachtichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1941-
34. Nature biotechnology. Nature Pub. Co., [1996-
35. Nagoya mathematical journal. Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Nagoya University, 1950-
36. Die Naturwissenschaften. Springer-Verlag, 1913-
37. Naturwissenschaften / Springer-Verlag, 1913-
38. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1948-
39. Networks :: an international journal. Wiley, 1971-
40. Neue Hütte. Verlag Technik, 1955-1992.
41. Neues Jahrbuch fèur Mineralogie.: Abhandlungen. E. Schweizerbart, 1950-
42. New scientist. New Science Publications,
43. Nitrogen. British Sulphur Pub., etc.], 1959-1997
44. Noise control :: a publication of the Acoustical Society of America. Published by the American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America, 1955-1961.
45. Non-destructive testing. IPC Science and Technology Pr. ; 1967-
46. Nondestructive testing. Society for Nondestructive Testing, 1947-1963.
47. NDT & E international :: independent nondestructive testing and evaluation. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991-
48. Nonlinear analysis. Pergamon Press,
49. Norelco reporter. North American Philips Co., [1983-
50. Notices of the American Mathematical Society. American Mathematical Society, 1954-
51. Nuclear energy. Institution of Nuclear Engineers.
52. Nuclear engineering. Temple Press, 1956-c1968]
53. Nuclear instruments & methods. North Holland Pub. Co.,
54. Nuclear physics. North-Holland Pub. Co., 1958-1966.
55. Nuclear power :: the journal of British nuclear engineering. Rowse Muir Publications, -1961
56. Nuclear science and engineering :: the journal of the American Nuclear Society. Academic Press, c1956-
57. Nucleonics. McGraw-Hill,
58. Nukleonik. Springer-Verlag, 1958-69.
59. Numerical heat transfer.. Part A,. Applications. Hemisphere Pub. Corp., [c1989-
60. Numerical heat transfer.. Part B,. Fundamentals. Hemisphere Pub. Corp., [c1989-
61. Numerical functional analysis and optimization. M. Dekker., 1979-
62. Il Nuovo cimento. Societáa italiana di fisica,
63. Materials transactions, JIM. Japan Institute of Metals, 1989-2000.
64. IRE transactions on nuclear science. Professional Group on Nuclear Science, c1955-c1962.
65. Ima journal of applied mathematics Wiley [etc.], 1969-
66. Physical review.. C,. Nuclear physics. Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics, c1970-
67. Colloquium on molecular kinesis in cellular function and plasticity / National Academy of Sciences, c2002.
68. Proceedings of the National Communications Forum. 0933217056 Professional Education International, Inc., c1984-1991.
69. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. the society, 1948-
70. Japanese journal of geology and geography. Science Council of Japan, 1922-1975.
71. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. The Society, 1946-
72. Derwent Belgian patents report.: Nondelayed. Derwent Pub., c1961-
73. Cambridge Scientific biochemistry abstracts.. Part 2,. Nucleic acids. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, c1985-
74. RAIRO.: RAIRO: Numerical analysis.: Analyse num?erique = Dunod, 1977-1984.
75. Nuclear science abstracts =: 原子科学文摘/ Oak Ridge Directed Operations, Technical Information Division, 1948-1976.
76. Naval postgraduate scho Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
77. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry abstracts. CRC Press, c1983-c1984.
78. National Computer Conference. AFIPS Press, 1975-1987.
79. Science journal Associated Iliffe Press Ltd
80. National geographic.=: 国家地理杂志 National Geographic Society, 1959-