以"O"开头查询到 52 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Overseas Ecology and Mineral Resources Her Majesty's Stationery Office
2. Oil Engine and Gas Turbine Bowling Green Lane
3. Optics and Laser Technology Butterworth-heinemann
4. Operating Systems Review Nashville
5. Omni. Omni Publications International], 1978-
6. online search service/ Derwent pb, 1984.
7. Semiconductor application notes Derivation and tabulation associates,inc.
8. Optics and spectroscopy. American Institute of Physics], 1959-
9. Optoelectronics.: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
10. Optical engineering The society of photo-optical instrumentation
11. Optics letters. Optical Society of America, 1977-
12. Operations Research =: 运筹学: The Society 1956-
13. Optoelectronics letters=: 光电子快报. Editorial Office of Optoelectronics Letters, 2005-
14. Omega.=: 国际管理科学杂志 Pergamon Press, 1973-
15. IEE proceedings.: Optoelectronics. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994-
16. Organic preparations and procedures international. Organic Preparations and Procedures, inc.], 1971-
17. The oil and gas journal. Petroleum Pub. Co., 1910-
18. Occupational health & safety. Medical Publications,
19. Offshore. PennWell Pub. Co., etc.]
20. Oak Ridge Natinal Laboratory review the Laboratory, c1967-
21. Official gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Patent and Trademark Office :
22. The oil and gas journal. Petroleum Pub. Co., 1910-
23. Oil and gas international. Petroleum Pub. Co., 1910-
24. Oil power / Mobil oil company, 1961.
25. Oelhydraulik und Pneumatik.
26. L'Onde ?electrique :: Revue de la Societe des Electriciens,des Electroniciens et des Radioelectriciens, The Society, 1920-
27. Proceedings of the ... Conference / American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, -c1955.
28. Operational research quarterly. Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society, 1970-1977.
29. Operations research :: The Journal of the Operations Research Society of America. Operations Research Society of America, 1956-
30. Optics and lasers in engineering. Applied Science Publishers, 1980-
31. Optics Butterworth Scientific Ltd., PC Business Press 1970-
32. Optica Acta :: An International Journal of Modern Optica Cand Laser Physics Taylor & Francis, 1954-86
33. Optik :: Zeitschrift fur das gesamte Gebiet der Licht-und Elektronenoptik. [s.n.], 1946-
34. Ore geology reviews :: journal for comprehensive studies of ore genesis and ore exploration / Elsevier, 1988.
35. Organic geochemistry. Pergamon Press. 1977-
36. OMS. Organic mass spectrometry. Pleyden & Sons, Wiley [etc.], 1968-1994.
37. Organic preparations and procedures international. Organic Preparations and Procedures, inc.], 1971-
38. Organometallic chemistry reviews.. Section A:. Subject reviews. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1968-
39. Organometallics. American Chemical Society, [c1982-
40. Organometallic compounds /: Abstracts of Literature and Patents Relating to Compounds which Contain At Least Metal, Carbon and Hydrogen Atoms R. H. Chandler [etc.], 1961-
41. Osaka mathematical journal. Dept. of Mathematics, Osaka University, 1949-1963.
42. Oxidation of metals /: International Journal of the Science of Gas-Solid Reactions Plenum Press.
43. Photonics spectra Laurin, c1988.
44. Origin and distribution of the elements / 0080128351 Pergamon, 1968.
45. oLa metallurgie et la construction mecanique. Carl Hauser Verlag,
46. OEM design Business Publications. c1971-
47. Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions, 1:"Organic & Bio-Organic chemistry" 24613 Royal Society of Chemistry.
48. Deep-sea research.. Part B,. Oceanographic literature review. Pergamon Press, -1992.
49. Design & components in engineering. Pergamon Press, -1992.
50. Derwent. Pergamon Press, -1992.
51. RAIRO.: RAIRO: Operations research.: Recherche op?erationnelle = Dunod, 1977-
52. Oceanic abstracts =: 海洋文摘索引 Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, [1984-