以"P"开头查询到 281 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Precision metal molding. Industrial Pub. Co.,
2. Proceedings American Concreete Institute The American Concrete Institute
3. Production engineering. Penton/IPC, Inc.], 1977-1987.
4. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division American Society of Civil Engineers, 1956-73
5. Journal of the Power Division American Society of Civil Engineers, 1956-78
6. Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division. American Society of Civil Engineers.
7. PASI=: 物理文摘主题索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
8. PAAI=: 物理文摘著者索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
9. Pascal folio: Metallic and non-metallic deposits s.n.]
10. Pascal Thema s.n.]
11. Journal of the Waterways and Harbors Division American Society of Civil Engineers, 1956-70
12. Palaios The Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
13. Polymer engineering and science. Society of Plastics Engineers, [1965-
14. Product Design and Value Engineering Southam Business Publications
15. PACSI=: 物理文摘累积主题索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
16. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechannical Engineering Publications Limited.
17. Physical Review and Physical Review Letters Combined Cumulative Subject Index=: 物理评论及物理评论快报联合累积索引 Nichigai Associates,Inc
18. Pumps and other fluids machinery abstracts. BHRA Fluid Engineering], 1971-1990.
19. Pumps and other fluids machinery abstracts indexes. BHRA Fluid Engineering], 1971-1990.
20. Key abstracts.: Physical measurements and instrumentation. Published jointly by the Institution of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1976-1986.
21. Pollution abstracts. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts,etc.], 1970-
22. Photographic absracts Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
23. Probablity Theory and Related Fields s.n.]
24. Pure and applied chemistry :: Official Journal of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Blackwell Scientific Publications
25. Phosphorus and Potassium British Sulphur Publishing-aDivision of CRU Publishing Ltd 30 cm
26. Physics World=: 物理世界 IOP Publishing Ltd
27. Proceedings Of The London Mathematical Society s.n.]
28. Proceedings Of The London Mathematical Society s.n.]
29. Packaging s.n.]
30. Pickaging Japan s.n.]
31. Prepared Foods s.n.]
32. Pulp & Paper Journal Maclean Hunter Ltd
33. PC Business Software S.N.]
34. Proceedings - Institution of Civil Engineers: The Cbannel Tunnel:Part1:Tunnel Institution of Civil Engineers. [1963-
35. Proceedings - Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal enginner Institution of Civil Engineers. [1963-
36. Proceedings - Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport Institution of Civil Engineers. [1963-
37. Phosphorus And Sulfur And The Related Elements The United Kingdom
38. Process Engineering Morgan Grampian
39. Power international. Trade & Technical Press, 1986-
40. Production and industrial equipment digest MBC Specialist Service
41. Pulp and Paper Journal Maclean Hunter Ltd.
42. Paperi ja Puu Valmet Processiautomaatio
43. PSA Journal Photography Society of America
44. Power Semiconductor: D.A.T.A. book electronics information series. D.A.T.A., Inc.
45. Plastics world. Cahners Pub. Co. [etc.], 1943-1997.
46. Progress in aerospace sciences Pergamon press Ltd.
47. Public roads=: A journal of highway research anf development The office of research,development,and technology
48. Physico-chemical properties for chemical engineering Maruzen CO.,LTD., 1978.
49. Economic geology bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists=: 经济地质学与经济地质学家学会通报. Economic Geology Pub. Co., 1943-1998.
50. Journal of performance of constructed facilities. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1987-
51. Progress in surface science.=: 表面科学进展 Pergamon Press, 1971-
52. Metallurgical and materials transactions=.: 冶金学与材料学会刊A辑:物理冶金学与材~ 料科~学,. A. Physical metallurgy and materials science. Minerals, Metals & Materials Society ; c1994-
53. Planning Haymarket Buisiness Publications Ltd.
54. Practice periodical on structural design and construction. American Society of Civil Engineers, Construction Division & Structural Division, 1996-
55. Pure & applied chemistry John W.Lorimer
56. IEEE photonics technology letters :: a publication of the IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1989-
57. Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, [1963-
58. IEEE pervasive computing / IEEE Computer Society, c2002-
59. IEEE power & energy magazine. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. : c2003-
60. IEEE power engineering review. IEEE Power Engineering Society, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., c1981-
61. IEEE transactions on plasma science. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1973-
62. Philosophy Philosophy,Inc.,
63. Popular science Hubert P.Luckett
64. Proceedings of the American mathematical society A.Algebra
65. PEфEPATивHbIи CвOPHиK Moscow,A-219,Ballijskaya ulitza,13
66. Physical review The American Physical society throuth the American Instituete of physics
67. Physics today American Institute of Physics Incorporated
68. physics education S E Toop
69. Physica.. B,. Condensed matfer North-Holland Physics Publishing Division
70. Physics letters Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
71. Physics in technology The Institute of Physics
72. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers C:=: 机械工程师学会会报;C辑:机 械工程学杂志Journal of mechanical engineering science. Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.], 1989-
73. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers=: 机械工程师学会会报;B辑~ :工程制造杂志. Pt.B,. Management and engineering manufacture. Mechanical Engineering Publications], 1983-
74. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.: 机械工程师学会会报;E辑:加工机械工程杂志. Part E,. Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering.= Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd. 1989-
75. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.=: 机械工程师学会会报; I辑:系统与控制工程杂志. Pt.I,. Journal of systems and control engineering. published for the Institution by Mechanical Engineering Publications, c1991-
76. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.: 机械工程师学会会报;L辑:材料杂志-设计与实用. Proceedings part L,. Journal of materials: design and applications.= Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Professional Engineering Publishing, c1999-
77. Journal of the Chemical Society.: Perkin transactions 2. Royal Society of Chemistry.
78. Journal of the Chemical Society.: Perkin transactions 2. Royal Society of Chemistry.
79. Power engineer Institution of Electrical Engineers, c2003-
80. Precision toolmaker=: .精密工具制造 Fuel & Metallurgical Journals Ltd.,
81. Journal of polymer science.: Polymer chemistry edition. Interscience Publishers, c1972-c1986.
82. Journal of polymer science.: Polymer physics. Interscience Publishers, c1972-c1986.
83. Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society. Chemical Society], 1975-1979.
84. Progress in biophysics and mlecular biology
88. The International journal of pressure vesseles and piping. Applied Science Publishers, [c1973-
89. Power engineering. PennWell Pub. Co., etc.]
90. Power transmission design. Penton/IPC, etc.]
91. Progress in energy and combustion science. Pergamon Press, 1975-
92. PAдиO
93. PAдиOTEXHиKA и злEKTPOHиKA йздателъство<<Наука>>
94. IEEE transactions on power apparatus and systems / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-c1985.
95. Popular electronics. Ziff-Davis Publishing
96. Metallurgical transactions.. A,. Physical metallurgy and materials science. Metallurgical Society of AIME ; [1975-1993]
97. The Physics of metals and metallography. Pergamon Press for Pergamon Institute, 1957-
98. Praktische metallographie. Riederer-Verlag, 1964-
99. Popular mechanics. Popular Mechanics Co., c1959-
100. Pumps and their applications :: The international technical review / Trade & Technical Press, 1965-81
101. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.=: 机械工程师学会会报;A辑:动力与能源杂志. Part A,. Journal of power and energy. Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Mechanical Engineering Publications, 1990-
102. Precision engineering. Butterworths [etc.]
103. Industrial & engineering chemistry process design and development. American Chemical Society, 1962-1986.
104. Industrial & engineering chemistry product research and development. American Chemical Society, c1978-c1986.
105. Perfumer & flavorist. Allured Pub. Corp., c1980-
106. Polymer-plastics technology and engineering. M. Dekker
107. Plastics compounding. Industry Media]
108. Plastics machinery and equipment Edgell Communications, c1972-
109. Plastics & rubber and composites processing and applications Great Britain by galliard Ltd,Great Yanmuth
110. PIMA's North American papermaker. Paper Industry Management Association, c1996-
111. Paper trade journal Vance Publishing Corp.
112. Pulp & paper Miller Freeman Publications, Inc.,
113. Pulp & paper international. Miller Freeman Publications, c1959-
114. Paper technology Pira, etc.]
115. Pulp & paper Canada Micromedia, [198-]-
116. Proceedings - Institution of Civil Engineers. Institution of Civil Engineers. [1963-
117. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.: Civil engineering. Published for the Institution of Civil Engineers by Thomas Telford Services, c1992-
118. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Published for the Institution of Civil
119. Progress in natural science =: 自然科学进展 Science Press,
120. Journal of the Prestressed Concrete Institute. The Institute, c1982-
121. Precast concrete. Cement and Concrete Association]
122. Progressive architecture Reinhold Publishing Corpany,Inc.
123. Process architecture 株式会社
124. Progress in planning. Pergamon,
125. Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing. American Society of Photogrammetry.
126. Proceedings of the Physical Society. Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, 1960-1967.
127. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London./3. Series A,. Mathematical & Physical Sciences The Society 1905-90
128. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London.. Series A,. Containing papers of a mathematical and physical character. Harrison and Son, [1905-1990].
129. Proceedings.. Series A,. Mathematical sciences / North-Holland Pub. Co., 1951-1967.
130. Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry. The Society, 1964-1971]
131. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Stress Analysis. Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, 1945-1983.
132. Pumping. Trade and Technical Press]
133. Process biochemistry. Turret Group, etc.], 1966-1990.
134. Process control and automation. Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 1955-1966.
135. Pure and applied chemistry.: Chimie pure et applique鈋. Blackwell Scientific Publications,
136. Progress of theoretical physics. s.n.], 1946-
137. PROMT, Predicasts overview of markets and technology. Predicasts, inc.,
138. Progressus :: engineering progress. Handelsblatt,
139. Progress in materials science. Pergamon Press, 1961-
140. Progress in solid state chemistry. Pergamon Press, 1964-
141. Progress in powder metallurgy--1964 :: proceedings of the twentieth annual Powder Metallurgy Technical Conference sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation and the American Powder Metallurgy Institute, held at the Hotel Sheraton-Cadillac, Detroit, Michigan, April 27,28,29 1964. The Federation, c1963.
142. Production / Facts on File, 1984.
143. Production technology / ILIFFE production publications, c1993.
144. Production equipment. Wilson-Carr]
145. The Production engineer. Institution of Production Engineers. [1960-1989]
146. Progress in crystal growth and characterization. Pergamon Press, 1977-1989.
147. Progress in analytical spectroscopy. Pergamon Press, 1986-[1989]
148. Products finishing
149. Product engineering. Morgan-Grampian Pub. Co., etc.]
150. Physics letters.. [Part A]. North-Holland Pub. Co., 1967-
151. Norelco reporter. North American Philips Co., [1983-
152. Proceedings of the ... Conference / American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, -c1955.
153. Pacific journal of mathematics. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, etc.], 1951-
154. Pacific science /: a Quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific region. University Press of Hawaii], 1947-
155. Paint manufacture. Wheatland Journals Ltd., 1931-1979.
156. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. Elsevier, [c1965-
157. Palaeontologia Sinica.. Series A. Series B. Series C. Series D. Geological Survey of China, 1922-
158. Palaeontographica.. Abteilung A,. Palèaozoologie, Stratigraphie. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchh,
159. Palaeontology. Palaeontological Association, 1957-
160. Paper trade journal. Vance Pub. Corp., etc.], -1986.
161. Patents for inventions and the protection of industrial designs / Stevens, 1983.
162. Pattern recognition. Pergamon Press, 1968-
163. Personal computing. Hayden Pub. Co., etc.], c1977-c1990.
164. Petro/Chem engineer. [s.n.], -1971.
165. Petroleum equipment and services. [Associated Publishers], 1963-
166. Petroleum engineer international. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
167. Petroleum. Grampian Press ltd, 1938-1968.
168. Phase transitions. Gordon and Breach, 1979-
169. IRE transactions on product engineering and production. Professional Group on Product Engineering and Production, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1961-c1962.
170. Photonics spectra Laurin, c1988.
171. Physica A . Munksgaard, 1974-1988.
172. Physica. Munksgaard, 1954.
173. ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing . Elsevier, c1989-
174. Photogrammetria. Elsevier [etc.], -1989.
175. Photoqnaphic science and engineering. Elsevier [etc.], -1989.
176. Physica.. B,. Condensed matfer Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. , 1988-
177. Physica D.: Nonlinear phenomena. North-Holland,
178. Physica B + C. North-Holland Pub. Co., 1975-1988.
179. Physica scripta. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 1970-
180. Pharmaceutical journal. the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1933-
181. Philips research reports. Philips Research Laboratories, 1945-1977.
182. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine and journal of science. Taylor & Francis, [1840-1944].
183. The philosophical magazine. Taylor & Francis, [1945]-c1977.
184. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.. Ser.A,. Mathematical and physical sciences. The Society,
185. Pyrodynamics. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, c1964-c1968.
186. Pure and applied geophysics :: PAGEOPH. Birkhauser Verlag, 1964-
187. Physical review.. A,. General physics. Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics, [c1970]-1989.
188. Physics and chemistry of minerals. Springer International, 1977-
189. Physical review and Physical review letters index.=: 物理评论及物理快报索引 American Institute of Physics, 1970-
190. Physics and chemistry of glasses
191. Physical review.. D,. Particles and fields. Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics, 1970-
192. Physical review.. E.
193. Physical review.. C,. Nuclear physics. Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics, c1970-
194. Physics :: a journal of general and applied physics conducted by the American Physical Society. The Society, [1931-1936].
195. The Physics of fluids. American Institute of Physics, 1958-1988.
196. Physics of fluids / The Institute, c1994-
197. Physics of plasmas. American Institute of Physics, c1994-
198. Physics of fluids.: a publication of the American Institute of Physics.. B,. Plasma physics : The Institute, c1989-c1993.
199. Physics reports. North-Holland Pub. Co., [1971-
200. International journal of production research. Institution of Production Engineers, [1961-
201. Colloquium on molecular kinesis in cellular function and plasticity / National Academy of Sciences, c2002.
202. Proceedings of the National Communications Forum. 0933217056 Professional Education International, Inc., c1984-1991.
203. Proceedings of the London mathemaical society. The clarendon press, 1930-
204. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.. Part D,. Journal of automobile engineering. Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.], c1989-
205. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.. Part C,. Mechanical engineering science. Mechanical Engineering Publications], 1983-1988.
206. Custom Integrated Circuits Conference :: proceedings / IEEE, 1990.
207. The Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. The Institution, 1949-1979.
208. Proceedings of the IRE. Institute of Radio Engineers, c1939-1962.
209. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences.. Section A. The Academy, -(1977).
210. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. Published for the Geologists' Association, London, by the Geological Society Pub. House, 1859-
211. Proceedings of the institution of civil engineers. The institution of civil engineers, 1952-
212. P.B. reports index. United States department of commerce,
213. Proceedings of the Chemical Society. The Society,
214. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Scottish Academic Press, 1883-
215. Proceedings of eastern joint computer conference. The institute of radio engineers,Inc.,
216. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.: Mathematical and physical sciences. Cambridge Philosophical Society [etc.], 1843-1974.
217. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen.. Series A,. Mathematical sciences / North-Holland Pub. Co., 1967-1989.
218. Proceedings of the institute of British foundrymen. The institute of British foundrymen, 1945-
219. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. The Academy, [1915-
220. Proceedings / The Institute, 1953-1965.
221. Precision metal. Penton Pub., etc.]
222. Plant engineering. Cahners Pub. Co., etc.]
223. Planseeberichte f鑥r Pulvermetallurgie. Metallwerk Plansee]
224. Pit and quarry Advanstar Communications, Inc, c1916-
225. Physics today. American Institute of Physics], 1948-
226. Introduction to plasma physics / Institute of Physics Pub., c1995.
227. Plastic. Rhodiaceta lyon, 1961-
228. Plastic world :: Plastics engineering,manufacturing,research and development,design,application-and news about materials and equipment. A cleworth publication, 1961-
229. Plastics technology. Bill Communications, Inc., [etc.], 1955-
230. Transactions and journal / The Institute,
231. Pipeline & Gas Journal :: International Pipeline & Gas Utility Design, Construction & Operation03200199131 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publications, 1970-
232. Plastics :: the international journal. Temple press limited
233. Plating and surface finishing. American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society [etc.], 1975-
234. Polyhedron. Pergamon Press, c1982-
235. Planting :: Journal of the American electroplater's society. American electroplater's society,Inc.
236. Pollution engineering. Pudvan Pub. Co., etc.], 1969-
237. Platinum metals review. Johnson, Matthey & Co., 1957-
238. Popular science. Popular Science Pub. Co., 1950-
239. Polymer. Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.], 1960-
240. Popular mechanics. Popular Mechanics Co., c1959-
241. Journal - Prestressed Concrete Institute. Prestressed Concrete Institute.
242. Journal of pure and applied algebra. North-Holland Pub. Co., 1971-
243. Precambrian research. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., etc.], 1974-
244. Powder metallurgy. Metals Society, 1958-
245. Powder metallurgy international
246. Powder metallurgy technology. The American powder metallurgy institute
247. Power transmission :: The only British journal exclusive to mechanical power transmission. Trade and technical press,Ltd.
248. Powder metallurgy science & technology. Franklin Institute Research Laboratories, Science Information Services, -1985.
249. Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions, 1:"Organic & Bio-Organic chemistry" 24613 Royal Society of Chemistry.
250. Journal of the Chemical Society.: Perkin transactions 2. Royal Society of Chemistry.
251. Progressive builder. Solarvision, Inc., c1986-c1987]
252. Plastics engineering. Society of Plastics Engineers, 1973-
253. Processing. IPC Industrial Press Ltd.]
254. Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft fèur physikalische Chemie. Verlag Chemie,
255. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 1987-
256. Zeitschrift fur Physik.. C,. Particles and fields / Springer-Verlag,
257. Physics letters. North-Holland Pub. Co., 1962-1966.
258. Physics Reports :: A Review Section of Physics Letters. North-Holland, 1971-
259. Physical review letters. American Physical Society, 1958-
260. Fluid abstracts.: Process engineering. Elsevier, c1991-
261. Partial differential equations Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
262. Probability and stochastic processes. Springer-Verlag, -1987.
263. Photographic absracts Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
264. Petroleum abstracts. University of Tulsa, Information Services Division [etc.]
265. PA=: 物理文摘文摘本 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
266. Plastics abstracts. Plastics Investigations], 1959-
267. Pollution abstracts. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts,etc.], 1970-
268. Plastics rapra abstracts Hearst Business Communications, c1988.
269. P.B. reports index. United States department of commerce,
270. Pascal McGraw-Hill, c1984.
271. Professional Engineering. Mechnical engineering publications ltd.
272. Professional engineering. Published by Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd. for the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, c1988-
273. Physics Abstrscts s.n.]
274. Packung and Transport s.n.]
275. Paint Technology Sawell Publications LTD, 1961
276. Hydraulics Pneumatics Power Trade and Technical Press LTD
277. PIE=: 工程索引出版清单 Engineering Information,Inc.
278. Progress reports / The Council,
279. Power. McGraw-Hill, 1911-
280. Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing.=: 摄影测量工程与遥感 American Society of Photogrammetry, 1975-
281. Planning.=: 计划编制 American Planning Association, 1969-