以"R"开头查询到 107 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Revista tecnologica s.n.]
2. Research disclosure. Industrial Opportunities,
3. Architectural periodicals index. British Architectural Library, 1972/73-c1994.
4. Reports Of Research Institute For Applied Mechanics s.n.]
5. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport=: 体育训练研究季刊 The American Alliance for Health,Physical Education
6. Resin news Bostik Ltd.
7. Research in international business and finance.=: 国际商业与金融研究 JAI Press,
8. Research & development.=: 研究与发展 Technical Pub., 1984-
9. Rock mechanics and rock engineering.=: 岩石力学与岩石工程 Springer-Verlag, [c1983-
10. IEEE transactions on robotics :: a publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c2004-
11. IEEE transactions on reliability / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963-
12. Research in higher education Agathon Press, Inc.
13. Reviews of modern physics The Americn physical Society
14. Reports on progress in physics The Institute of Physics
15. Reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry.=: 矿物学与地球化学评论 Mineralogical Society of America, c2000-
16. Real estate review New York University
17. The Radio and electronic engineer. Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers, 1963-1984.
18. Reliability engineering and system safety Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, c1988-
19. Research management. Industrial Research Institute, 1958-1987]
20. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation The Federation, c1989-c1991.
21. Television. Royal Television Society,
22. Rubber chemistry and technology. Rubber Division, American Chemical Society [etc.], 1928-
23. Architectural periodicals index. British Architectural Library, 1972/73-c1994.
24. Radio & television news. Ziff-Davis Pub. Co.], 1948-1959.
25. Materials science and engineering R: 材料科学与工程R辑报告. R,. Reports.= Elsevier Sequoia, c1993-
26. IRE transactions on reliability and quality control. Professional Group on Reliability and Quality Control,[Institute of Radio Engineers], c1955-c1962.
27. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.. Ser.A,. Mathematical and physical sciences. The Society,
28. The review of scientific instruments. American Institute of Physics, 1930-
29. Review of polarography. The Society, c1953-
30. The Review of physical chemistry of Japan. Physico-Chemical Society of Japan, 1937-
31. International journal of radiation applicatins and instrumentation.. Part C,. Radiation physics and Chemistry. Pergamon Press, 1986-
32. Resin review. Rohm and Haas. Resinous Products Division,
33. Research in the teaching of English. National Council of Teachers of English], 1967-
34. Res mechanica. Applied Science Publishers, c1980-c1991.
35. Resins, rubbers, plastics :: literature service. Information for Industry [etc.], 1942-1966.
36. Iron and steel / Published for the Royal Statistical Society and the Social Science Research Council by Pergamon Press, 1984.
37. The institute of sewage purification The Institute, 1981-
38. Radio science. American Geophysical Union [etc.], 1966-
39. Refractories Journal :: Journal of the Refractories Association of Great Britain London and Sheffield Publishing co., 1925-89
40. Automatique-productique informatique industrielle =: Auto matic control production systems : APII. Dunod, 1985-
41. Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas. Soci?et?e chimique neerlandaise, 1920-1979.
42. Reinforced plastics. Euroglas Sales Ltd., 1972.
43. Regelungstechnik. R.Oldenbourg Verlag, 1984.
44. Refrigeration service and contracting. Nickerson & Collins Co., -1966.
45. Reactive polymers. Elsevier, 1989-c1995.
46. Record of chemical progress. Plenum [etc.], 1939-1971.
47. Revue de metallurgie.: Cahiers d'informations techniques. Revue de metallurgie, 1980-
48. Canadian geotechnical journal. National Research Council Canada. 1963-
49. Remote sensing of environment. American Elsevier Pub. Co., 1969-
50. Reports of statistical application research. Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers, 1951-
51. Reports on the progress of applied chemistry. Society of Chemical Industry, 1947-
52. The Engineering journal =: Revue de l'ingenierie. Engineering Institute of Canada, c1922-
53. R & D management. Basil Blackwell.
54. Radiation research. Academic Press, 1954-
55. RCA review :: a technical journal ... Radio Corporation of America, 1936-1986.
56. Radio-, Fernseh-, Phono-Praxis. Vogel-Verlag,
57. Radio Mentor. Grunewald, -1965.
58. Radio & electronic components. United Trade Press Ltd., 1956-1963.
59. Radio-electronics. Gernsback Publications], 1948-1992.
60. Radio-electronics patent service. Patent Information Serice,Inc., 1945-
61. Radio control models and electronics Model and Allied Pub., c1960-
62. Rare earth bulletin. Multi-Science Publ. Co. , 1973-
63. Railway track and structures. Simmons-Boardman Pub. Corp., etc.]
64. Rail international. International Railway Congress Association]
65. Railway signaling and communications. Simmons-Boardman publishing corporation
66. RAIRO.: RAIRO: Numerical analysis.: Analyse num?erique = Dunod, 1977-1984.
67. RAIRO.: RAIRO. Theoretical computer science.: Informatique th?eorique = Dunod, 1977-1985.
68. RAIRO.: RAIRO: Operations research.: Recherche op?erationnelle = Dunod, 1977-
69. Automatique-productique informatique industrielle =: Auto matic control production systems : APII. Dunod, 1985-
70. RAIRO.: RAIRO: Systems analysis and control.: Automatique = Dunod, 1977-
71. Railway locomotives and cars. Simmons-Boardman publishing corporation
72. RAIRO.: Theoretical informatics and applications.: Informatique theorique et applications = Dunod, c1986-
73. Rare metals =: 稀有金属: RM Mini-computer Pub. Office, 1982-
74. Rheology abstracts. Published by Pergamon Press for the British Society of Rheology, 1958-
75. Rubbers.: RAPRA abstracts. Rubber & Plastics Research Association of Great Britain, 1965-
76. Rock Mechanics =: Felsmechanik = Springer, 1969-82
77. Reviews of geophysics. American Geophysical Union, c1985-
78. Review of scientific instruments. American Institute of Physics, 1930-
79. Reviews of geophysics and space physics. American Geophysical Union, 1970-1984.
80. Reviews of pure and applied chemistry. Royal Australian Chemical Institute, 1951-1972.
81. Rubber abstracts. Research Association of British Rubber Manufactures, 1952-1964.
82. The Rubber age. Palmerton Pub. Co., etc.], 1920-1976.
83. Rubber journal and international plastics. Maclaren, 1957-1961.
84. Revue de m?etallurgie. s.n.] 1904-
85. Revue de l'industrie min?erale. Publi?e par la Soci?et?e de l'industrie min?erale avec le concours du Comit?e central des houilláeres de France, et de la Chambre syndicale fran?caise des mines m?etallurgiques, 1921-1971.
86. Revue de l'aluminium. SEDAL, -1983.
87. Revue de geomorphologie dynamique. 釫dition de la Societe d'edition d'enseignement, 1950-
88. Revue de geographie physique et de geologie dynamique. Masson et C editeurs
89. Rubber and plastics weekly. The maclaren group
90. Rubber journal index. s.n.], 1964-
91. Rubber world. Bill Brother publishing corporation.
92. Russian chemical reviews. British Library Lending Division, etc.], 1960-
93. Revue D'Optique Therique Et Instrumentale. s.n.]
94. Revue generale de l'electricite. Revue Generale de l'Electricite, 1917-1995.
95. Conference internationale sur les peties particules et amas inorganiques. s.n.], 1974.
96. Revue Internationale des Hautes Temperatures et Des Refractaires. Masson, 1987-
97. revue Generale du Caoutchouc. Administration Redaction Publicite.
98. Revue de Physique Appliquee. s.n.], 1974.
99. Revue Textilis. s.n.]
100. RUM, Revue universelle des mines, de la metallurgie, des travaux publics, des sciences et des arts appliqu?es áa l'industrie. Association des ing?enieurs sortis de l'Universit?e de Liáege],
101. Risk-Analysis / 0314463283 (alk. paper) West Pub. Co., c1989.
102. Robotics today. RI/SME, 1988-
103. Rheologica acta. D. Steinkopff Verlag., 1958-
104. Robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing. Pergamon, [c1984-
105. Robotic Intelligence and Automation IFS (Publications)],
106. Reader's digest.=: 读者文摘 The Reader's Digest Association] : 1991.
107. Rock Products.: Industry's Recognized Authority.= A PRIMEDICA Publication ,