以"S"开头查询到 240 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Space science reviews. D. Reidel Pub. Co., 1962-
2. EEACSI=: 电子和电子技术文摘累积主题索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
3. EEAAI=: 电子和电子技术文摘著者索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
4. EEASI=: 电子和电子技术文摘主题索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
5. CCASI=: 计算机与控制文摘主题索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1969-
6. CCAAI=: 计算机与控制文摘著者索引 Institution of Electrical Engineers,
7. SCISI: 科学引文索引之来源索引 Institute for Scientific Information,Inc., 1961-
8. SCIPSI: 科学引文索引之主题索引 Institute for Scientific Information,Inc., 1961-
9. Subject index of Mathematical reviews=: 数学评论主题索引 American Mathematical Society
10. Steels alert materials business information.: 钢铁原料交易报告 Metals Information, 1985-
11. Siemens Forschungs und Entwicklungsberichte Reseach and Development Reports Springer-Verlag
12. Selected water resources abstracts / The Center, [1968]-1991.
13. Selected water resources abstracts / The Center, [1968]-1991.
14. SCICI: 科学引文索引之引用索引 Institute for Scientific Information,Inc., 1961-
15. SCICISI: 科学引文索引之团体来源索引 Institute for Scientific Information,Inc., 1961-
16. Steels alert subject index. Metals Information, 1985-
17. SAE transactions: Section 4 Fuels and Lubricants Society of Automotive Engineers, [1927?-
18. Sociological abstracts. Sociological Abstracts, inc.], 1953-
19. Studies in Higher Education Society for Rsearch into Higher Education 1996
20. Supperlattices and Microstructures. s.n.]
21. Short Story International International Cultural Exchange .INC. 1996
22. S/V Sound & Vibration s.n.]
23. Industrial Mathematics :: The Journal Of The Industrial Mathematics Society
24. Science and Technology in Japan Three "I Publications,Ltd
25. Social Problems s.n.]
26. Sound & Vibration Materials Reference Issue Acoustical Publications,Inc.
27. Soviet studies CarfaxPub. Co, [etc.], 1949-
28. Soils and foundations 社团法人地盘工学会, 1996
29. Science research abstracts journal. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, c1981-
30. Svensk Papperstidning Swedish Paper Journal s.n.]
31. Science research abstracts.. Part A:. Superconductivity, magnetohydrodynamics and plasmas, theoretical physics. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, inc.,
32. Scientific American :: Cumulative index. 1948-1978 / 0894540025 Scientific American Inc., c1979.
33. scholastic Coach Incorporating Athletic Journal Scholastic Inc.
34. Surface Treatment Plant & Processes Finishing Publications
35. Sound & communications. Sound & Communications Publications, etc.], 1970-
36. American Papermaker Maclean Hunter Inc.
37. Computers & Control Abstracts author subject index: Cumulative Subject Index. Institution of Electrical Engineers.
38. Computers & Control Abstracts: Cumulative Subject Index. Institution of Electrical Engineers.
39. Semiconductor application notes Derivation and tabulation associates,inc.
40. Soviet aerospace. Space Publications, Inc., 1971-
41. Svetasaren Skandia-Tryckeriet,Goteborg
42. SAE transactions: Section 1 Journal of Aerospace Society of Automotive Engineers, [1927?-
43. SAE transactions: Section 2 Journal of Commercial Vehicles Society of Automotive Engineers, [1927?-
44. SAE transactions: Section 5 Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Society of Automotive Engineers, [1927?-
45. SAE transactions: Section 3: Part II Journal of Aerospace Society of Automotive Engineers, [1927?-
46. SAE transactions: Section 6 Journal of Passereger Cars Society of Automotive Engineers, [1927?-
47. SAE transactions: Section 3 Journal of Engines Society of Automotive Engineers, [1927?-
48. Semiconductor heat sink, socket & associat ed hardware D.A.T.A. book. Derivation and Tabualtion Associates, Inc., 1971-
49. Sulzer technical review Sulzer Drothers Limited
50. Science China.=: 中国科学技术科学.: Technological sciences / Science in China Press ; c2010-
51. Science China.=: 中国科学地球科学. Series D,. Earth sciences / Science in China Press ; c1996-
52. SIAM journal on computing.=: 工业与应用数学会计算杂志 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1972-
53. Journal of structural engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
54. Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy : 南非采矿与冶金学: SAIMM.= The institute
55. Annual Index/Abstracts of SAE Technical Papers. Society of Automotive Engineers
56. Practice periodical on structural design and construction. American Society of Civil Engineers, Construction Division & Structural Division, 1996-
57. Sugar journal. Sugar Journal, inc.], 1938-
58. Materials science & engineering A=: 材料科学与工程,A辑:结构材料. A,. Structural materials : Elsevier Science,S.A, c1967-
59. Surface & coatings technology.=: 表面和涂层技术 Elsevier Sequoia, c1972
60. Science=: 科学 / The Association, 1883-
61. Sedimentology.=: 沉积学 Blackwell Scientific Publishers, 1962-
62. Science in China.: 中国科学D辑:地球科学. Series D,=. Earth sciences / Science in China Press ; c1996-
63. Science in China=: 中国科学E辑:工程与材料科学. Series E,. Engineering & materials science / Science in China Press, c2004-
64. Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry.=: 无机化学与金属有机化学合成法及反应性 Marcel Dekker], 1974-
65. Journal of surveying engineering.=: 测量工程杂志 American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-
66. International journal of systems science.=: 国际系统科学杂志 Taylor and Francis,
67. Strategic management journal.=: 战略管理杂志 Wiley, [c1980-
68. IEEE software. IEEE Computer Society, c1984-
69. Structural Control Health Monitoring.=: 结构控制与监测 John Wiley & Sons.Ltd,USA,
70. IEEE transactions on software engineering. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1975-
71. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics.: a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society.. Part A,. Systems and humans : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., c1996-
72. IEEE transactions on signal processing :: a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1991-
73. Software world. A. P. Publications, 1969-
74. IEEE spectrum. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1964-
75. Software engineering notes. Association for Computing Machinery,
76. Special libraries Elaine Hill
77. Sociolinguistic constructs of ethnic identity: the syntactic delineation of an American indian english Duke University
78. Spoken english Mitchall & Wright Ltd.
79. Science digest Frank A. Bennack
80. Scientific American
81. Science news
82. Science world Scholastic Inc.
83. Sceince progress D.Lewis,F.R.S
84. Scientific world S Lebgtek
85. Stochastic processes and their applications The Netherlandds
86. SIAM journal on applied mathematics Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
87. SIAM review Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
88. SIAM journal on numerical analysis The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
89. SIAM journal on control and optimization The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
90. Solid mechanics archives Dotesios Limited.
91. Soviet applied mechanics Plenum Publishing Corportion
92. Soviet physics uspekhi Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk-American Institute of Physics
93. Surface Engineering.=: 表面工程 the Institute of Metals and the Wolfson Institute for Surface Engineering, 1985-
94. Skillings' Mining Review=: 斯基林氏采矿评论 . Skillings' Mining Review,USA 1912-
95. SciQuest. American Chemical Society], 1979-1982.
96. IEE proceedings.: Science, measurement and technology. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994-
97. IEE proceedings.: Software. Institution of Electrical Engineers,
98. Database and network journal :: An International Journal of Database and Network Practice A.P. Publications Ltd. 1983-
99. Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry. Marcel Dekker], 1974-
100. Science in China=: 中国科学 F辑信息科学. Series F ,. Information sciences / Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2001-
101. Surveying and mapping: American Congress on Surrveying and Mapping American Congress on Surrveying and Mapping
102. Survey review. Published for the Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1963-
103. Solar energy. Association for Applied Solar Energy, [1958-
104. Siemens review. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft],
105. Siemens Forschungs- und Entwicklungsberichte. Springer,
106. Soviet journal of computer and system sciences Scripa Technica, c1985-92
107. Automotive engineering. Society of Automotive Engineers]
108. Measurement and control. Institute of Measurement and Control], 1968-
109. Separation scienc and technology Marcel Dekker,Inc.
110. Stadtverkehr: 城市交通(德) EK-Verlog, GmbH, c1956-
111. Interavia. Interavia], 1946-1992.
112. Separation and purification methods. M. Dekker, 1972-
113. Sulphur The British Sulpuur Corporation Limited
114. Solutions Solutions Magazine,Inc.
115. Silicates industriels. Silicates industriels editorial department
116. Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering. CML Publications, 1984-
117. Sugar y Azucar
118. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Published for the Institution of Civil
119. The Structural engineer. Institution of Structural Engineers, 1924-1977.
120. ACI structural journal. American Concrete Institute, [c1987-
121. Structural safety Elsevier Science Ltd.
122. Space design 鹿岛出版会
123. Semiconductor photonics and technology =: 半导体光子学与技术. Optoelectronics Research Institute, 1995-
124. Journal of physics.. C,. Solid state physics. Institute of Physics, 1968-1988.
125. Synthetic communications. M. Dekker], 1971-
126. Surface science :: new research / Nova Science Publishers, c2005.
127. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Stress Analysis. Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, 1945-1983.
128. The journal of physical chemistry.. A,. Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory. American Chemical Society, c1997-
129. Materials science and engineering B: 材料科学与工程B辑,先进技术所需国体材料. B,. Solid-state Materials for advanced Technology= Elsevier Sepuoia S. A., c1988-
130. Surveying and land information systems. The Congress, 1990-
131. Surface and interface analysis :: proceedings, 14-18 Oct. 1985, Veldhoven. Heyden & Son, 1986.
132. Structural engineering practice, analysis, design, management. Dekker, c1982-c1988.
133. Superconducting devices & materials / NBS,
134. The Sumitomo search.
135. Steel times international Fuel & Metallurgical Journals.
136. Steelmaking Conference Proceedings Sponsored by the Iron and Steel Society , c1987-
137. Organometallic chemistry reviews.. Section A:. Subject reviews. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1968-
138. Surveying and mapping. The Congress, [1944-1989].
139. Synthesis. Thieme ; 1969-
140. Strain. British Society for Strain Measurement, 1965-
141. Strassen- und Tiefbau Verlag fur Publizitat, 1947-
142. Strain gage readings ... buyer's guide. Stein Engineering Service, c1960-
143. IRE transactions on space electronics and telemetry. Professional Group on Space Electronics and Telemetry, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1959-c1962.
144. IEEE transactions on sonics and ultrasonics. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1964-c1985.
145. Faraday symposia of the Chemical Society. Chemical Society, Faraday Division [etc.], 1972-1984.
146. Steel Penton Pub. Co. 1930-69
147. Staub, Reinhaltung der Luft. VDI-Verlag]
148. Stahl und eisen VDI-Verlag]
149. The Steam and heating engineer. Troup Publications] 1963-1974.
150. Steel equipment and maintenance news Penton Pub. Co. 1930-69
151. International and mining standard IFS Ltd., 1982.
152. Steel construction International Organization for Standardization, c1985.
153. Steel & coal. Fuel & Metallurgical Journals, 1962-1963.
154. Scripta metallurgica. Pergamon Press], 1967-1989.
155. Scripta metallurgica et materialia. Pergamon Press, 1990-
156. Sedimentary geology. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co.], 1967-
157. Spectrochimica acta.. Part B,. Atomic spectroscopy. Pergamon Press, 1967-
158. Stahl und Eisen / Stahleisen, c1881-
159. International tin IFS Ltd., 1982.
160. European journal of mechanics.. A,. Solids. Gauthier-Villars, c1989-
161. Semiconductor international. Cahners Pub. Co., etc.], 1978-
162. Journal, Southeast Asian Earth Sciences Pergamon Press, 1990.
163. Semiconductor products. Cowan Pub. Corp.], 1958-1962.
164. Sheet metal industries. Fuel and Metallurgical Journals, etc.],
165. Siemens Zeitschrift. Siemens & Halske,
166. Signal processing :: the official publication of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) North-Holland Pub. Co.,
167. Sloan management review. Industrial Management Review Association at the Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, c1970-
168. Siemens components. Siemens AG, 1999.
169. Social science in China. The Social Sciences Pub. House, 1982.
170. Soap, cosmetics, chemical specialties. PTN, etc.
171. Simulation. Simulation Councils, Inc.], 1963-
172. Solid state communications. Pergamon Press, 1963-
173. Software engineering journal. published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers for the British Computer Society and the Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1986]-
174. Society of Petroleum Engineers journal. The Society, 1961-
175. Software world (with "Database journal"). A.P. Pub., 1979.
176. Societe geologique du nord annales. [s.n.], 1960.
177. Software: practice & experience. Wiley Interscience [etc.]
178. Science record. Science Press, 1942-1960.
179. Science world. Scholastic Inc., c1987-
180. Science of computer programming. North-Holland Pub. Co., 1981-
181. Schweiss technik soudure. SVS/ASS.
182. Solid state technology. Cowan Pub. Corp., c1968-
183. Schweissen und Schneiden. Deutscher Verband fhur Schweisstechnik.
184. Scandinavian journal of metallurgy :: SJM / Munksgaard International Publishers, 1972-
185. SIAM review. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1959-
186. Solid state design. Horizon House, 1965.
187. SIAM journal on scientific and statistical computing. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics], 1980-1992.
188. SIAM journal on mathematical analysis. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1970-
189. Diffusion and defect data.: SSP.. [Pt. B],. Solid state phenomena : Sci-Tech Publications, 1988-
190. Solid-state electronics. Pergamon Press, 1960-
191. SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications / The Society, c1988-
192. SIAM journal on computing. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1972-
193. Science in China.. Series B,. Chemistry / Science in China Press ; c1996-
194. Scientia Sinica. Academia Sinica, [1954-
195. Scientific papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research. The Institute, 1958-1991.
196. Scientific Lubrication Scientific Publications, 1948-66
197. Solvent extraction and ion exchange. M. Dekker, c1983-
198. Soviet physics, Doklady. American Institute of Physics, 1956-1992.
199. South. South Publications Ltd., 1980-1991.
200. Soviet microelectronics. Consultants Bureau,
201. ASTM standardization news.Scientific Lubrication
202. South African mining & engineering journal. s.n.], 1982.
203. SA mining,coal,gold & base minerals. s.n.], 1994.
204. Southam's metalworking. Mineralogical Association of Canada, 1957-
205. Applied physics.. A,. Solids and surfaces. Springer-Verlag, 1981-1994.
206. Applied spectroscopy. Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 1951-
207. The architect and building. Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 1951-
208. Architural design. Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 1951-
209. Architect and engineer. Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 1951-
210. Sloan management review. Industrial Management Review Association at the Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, c1970-
211. CCA=: 计算机与控制文摘 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1969-
212. Science abstracts.. Section B,. Electrical engineering abstracts. Institution of Electrical Engineers,
213. EEA=: 电子和电子技术文摘 Institution of Electrical Engineers.
214. RAIRO.: RAIRO: Systems analysis and control.: Automatique = Dunod, 1977-
215. SCI: 科学引文索引 Institute for Scientific Information,Inc., 1961-
216. Selection from information on world-wide electronics markets and their prediction 1982-1983 =: 1982-1983年世界电子时常及其预测情报选. 上海光华出版社, 1983].
217. Solid state abstracts. Cambridge Communications Corp., 1960-1965.
218. Surface treatment technology abstracts. Finishing Publications, [1986-
219. Steels alert=: 钢铁文摘 Metals Information, 1985-
220. Selected water resources abstracts / The Center, [1968]-1991.
221. Steel research =: Archiv fhur das Eisenhuttenwesen. Verlag Stahleisen, 1985-
222. IEE proceedings.. I,. Solid-state and electron devices. Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-1988.
223. INFOR. INFOR Journa, 1971-
224. Acta crystallographica.. Section B,. Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry. Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard, 1967-1982.
225. Studies in applied mathematics. The MIT Press, c1969-
226. The SAE journal. Society of Automotive Engineers, 1928-1970.
227. SAE Journal / The Society, 1928-70
228. Revue de l'industrie min?erale. Publi?e par la Soci?et?e de l'industrie min?erale avec le concours du Comit?e central des houilláeres de France, et de la Chambre syndicale fran?caise des mines m?etallurgiques, 1921-1971.
229. Science The American Association for the Advancement of Science
230. Science journal Associated Iliffe Press Ltd
231. Science in China.. Series A Science Press
232. Safety Maintemance Alfred M.Best Company,Inc
233. Schweizerische Zeitschrift Fur Vermessung Photogrammetrie Und Kulturtechnik ill. ; 24 cm.
234. Schweissen Und Schneiden. s.n.]
235. Schmiertechnik s.n.]
236. SHE=: 工程索引主题词表 Engineering Information,Inc.
237. Surveying and land information science=: 测量与土地信息系统 : The Congress, 2002-.
238. Structural engineering international Iabse
239. Survey review=: 测量评论. Published for the Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1963-
240. Scientific American.=: 科学美国人 Scientific American,Inc., 1845-